United States or American Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The 3rd of November, about four in the afternoon, we saw the island of Botel Tobago Xima, and by eleven the next morning got a sight of the southern part of the island of Formosa. In the evening we were surprised with a view of what we at first sight conceived to have been breakers, but on a stricter examination we found them to be only a great number of fires on the island of Formosa.

I hope that negotiations which have been invited will result in the celebration of another treaty which may tend to the interests of both countries. Our relations with China continue to be friendly. During the past year the fear of hostilities between China and Japan, growing out of the landing of an armed force upon the island of Formosa by the latter, has occasioned uneasiness.

Miss Isabelle J. Elliott, a graduate nurse, and deaconess, will join the staff shortly, and a few others will be sent when secured, in order that the force may be sufficient to evangelize the million people in north Formosa. Mrs. Mackay and her two daughters, Helen and Mary, the latter having married native preachers, Koa Kau and Tan He, are keeping up the work that husband and father left.

It has often happened that Japanese junks have been blown clear across the Pacific. In 1833 a ship of this sort was driven in a great storm from Japan to the shores of the Queen Charlotte Islands off the coast of British Columbia. In the same way a fishing smack from Formosa, which lies off the east coast of China, was once carried in safety across the ocean to the Sandwich Islands.

With this resolution we went on cheerfully, when, within about twelve days' sail more, we made the island Formosa, at a great distance, but were ourselves shot beyond the southernmost part of the island, being to leeward, and almost upon the coast of China.

Thus ended our merry fight; and, having got rice, bread, roots, and sixteen good hogs on board the day before we set sail, not daring to go into the bay of Tonquin, but steering N.E. toward the isle of Formosa, or as tho' we would go to the Manillas, or Phillippine islands, for fear of meeting with any European ships; when we anchored at the isle of Formosa, the inhabitants not only courteously supplied us with provisions and fresh water, but dealt very fairly and honestly with us in their bargains and agreements.

When I go out into the street I usually put a handful of cash into my pocket to distribute to the beggars." In November, 1853, Imperial authority asserted itself. "The Imperial forces having collected from the neighboring garrisons, appeared in such overwhelming strength that the insurgents hastily put off to sea. Many succeeded in escaping to Formosa and Singapore.

"He will be well next month," they would say hopefully, or, "He will look like himself when the rains dry." But little by little the conviction grew that the beloved missionary was seriously ill, and a great gloom settled all over north Formosa.

It was all so delightful that no wonder they cried, "Illha Formosa! Illha Formosa!" "Beautiful Isle! Beautiful Isle." Since that day the "Beautiful Isle," perhaps the most charming in all the world, has been called Formosa. And, somehow, Mackay longed to see this "Beautiful Isle" before he decided where he was going to preach the gospel.

A most amusing story was told him on his travels there a story too good to leave unrepeated, though he personally had no part in it unless the laugh at the end can be called a part. During one of those terrible storms which periodically sweep the shores of Formosa, an American vessel was wrecked and her crew eaten by the aborigines.