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But the face of the girl it was an English face! Familiar with the Palace, and bribing when it was necessary to bribe, Foorgat Bey had evidently brought her to see the function, there where all women were forbidden.

I know little of the English, though I know them humane and honest; but my brother, Foorgat Bey, he was much among them, lived much in England, was a friend to many great English. Indeed, on the evening that he died I saw him in the gallery of the banquet-room with an English lady can one be mistaken in an English face?

I could not turn back, I must go on. Had I returned, of what avail? What could I do but say what I say here, that my hand killed Foorgat Bey; that I had not meant to kill him, though at the moment I struck I took no heed whether he lived or died. Since you know of my sorrowful deed, you also know why Foorgat Bey was struck down.

In this sick, mad land, in this whirlpool of secret murder and conspiracy, no one could tell what plot was hatching, what deeds were forward; and he could not yet be sure that no one save himself and herself knew who had killed Foorgat Bey. Her perfect safety lay in instant flight. It was his duty to see that she went, and at once this very day. He would go and see her. He went to the hotel.

He did not associate her with the girl for whom David Claridge had killed Foorgat Pey, and he sent his own carriage to bring her to the Palace. No time had been lost, for it was less than twenty-four hours since she had arrived in Cairo, and very soon she would know the worst or the best.

Again there were elaborate salutations and salaams, and Kaid presently said: "Foorgat?" "Effendina," answered High, "it is not known how he died. He was in this Palace alive at night. In the morning he was found in bed at his own home." "There was no wound?" "None, Effendina." "The thong?" "There was no mark, Effendina." "Poison?" "There was no sign, Effendina." "Diamond-dust?"

Was it partly because I killed Foorgat and partly because I came to place and influence and power, that you used me so, and all that I did? Or was it the East at war with the West, the immemorial feud and foray? "This last I will believe; for then it will seem to be something beyond yourself centuries of predisposition, the long stain of the indelible that drove you to those acts of matricide.

There was a cut where the hair met the temple. He opened the waistcoat and thrust his hand inside the shirt. Then he felt the pulse of the limp wrist. For a moment he looked at the face steadily, almost contemplatively it might have seemed, and then drew both arms close to the body. Foorgat Bey, the brother of Nahoum Pasha, was dead. Rising, David turned, as if in a dream, to the girl.

I am rich since my brother was " He paused; no covert look was in his eyes, no sign of knowledge, nothing but meditation and sorrowful frankness "since Foorgat passed away in peace, praise be to God! He lay on his bed in the morning, when one came to wake him, like a sleeping child, no sign of the struggle of death upon him."

Naught but ruin could follow the telling of the tale at this moment his work, his life, all done. The scandal, the law, vengeance! But as it is now, Kaid may turn to him again; his work may yet go on he has had the luck of angels, and Kaid is fickle. Who can tell?" Abashed and overwhelmed, Ebn Ezra Bey looked at him keenly. "To tell of Foorgat Bey would ruin thee also," he said.