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Each flea-bite should, from time to time, be dressed by means of a camel's hair brush, with a drop or two of Spirit of Camphor; an ounce bottle of which ought, for the purpose, to be procured from a chemist. Camphor is also an excellent remedy to prevent bugs from biting. Bugs and fleas have a horror of camphor; and well they might, for it is death to them!

I suppose he is in debt, but not much, I think. He makes stupid bets, and the devil won't break him of it." "Lucinda has two or three thousand pounds, you know." "That's a flea-bite. Let her keep it. You're in for it now, and you'd better say nothing about money. He has a decent solicitor, and let him arrange about the settlements. And look here, Jane; get it done as soon as you can."

It would have been a competence and a snug little fortune to Rodrigo de Triana; it was a mere flea-bite to a man who was thinking in eighth parts of continents. It may be true, as Oviedo alleges, that Columbus transferred it to Beatriz Enriquez; but he had no right to provide for her out of money that in all equity and decency ought to have gone to another and a poorer man.

"Chirurgus" recalls the details of a case of a wasp-sting in the middle finger of the right hand of a man of forty, depriving him of all sense and of muscular power. Ten minutes after receiving it he was unconscious, his heart-beats were feeble, and his pulse only perceptible. Syphilis from a Flea-bite.

But take 'em in general, kids are as much alike as sardines of the same age would be. Anyhow, I knew a case where a fool of a young nurse mixed up two children at an hotel, and to this day neither of those women is sure that she's got her own." "Do you mean," I said, "there was no possible means of distinguishing?" "There wasn't a flea-bite to go by," answered Henry.

"Lord love you, Miss Anthea! that weren't nothing, that were only a flea-bite, as you might say, he give more ah! nigh double as much as that for the side-board." "Nonsense, Adam!" "It be gospel true, Miss Anthea. That there sideboard were the plum o' the sale, so to speak, an' old Grimes had set 'is 'eart on it, d'ye see.

You must be able to raise twenty thousand. It's a flea-bite." "On paper in the form of shares, script, bonds, promissory notes, it is a flea-bite. But when it has to be produced in the raw, in flat, hard lumps of gold or in crackling bank-notes, it's more like a bite from a hippopotamus. I can't raise it, and that's all about it. So St. Helena for Napoleon."

Two hundred pounds more or less is but a flea-bite to the Duchy; and if you, sir, turning to Maskew, 'wish later on to change your mind, and be quit of the bargain, I shall not be the man to stand in your way. In any case, I imagine 'twill be time enough to seal the lease if I send it from London.

It would have been a competence and a snug little fortune to Rodrigo de Triana; it was a mere flea-bite to a man who was thinking in eighth parts of continents. It may be true, as Oviedo alleges, that Columbus transferred it to Beatriz Enriquez; but he had no right to provide for her out of money that in all equity and decency ought to have gone to another and a poorer man.

"My dear friend," said he, "be not dispirited. It is no more than a flea-bite, and it will be over in a moment. You will acquire the friendship of the first personage in the county, and far from losing any thing in the public esteem, you will be more respected than ever." "Morbleu," cried the beau, "my shoulders ake for it already.