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I say that imperfection is the true flavor of humanity. In explanation, I ought to say that all individuality is either based upon it or pre-supposes it.

There's what a friend of mine around the corner he happens to be a barkeeper, by the way calls a lively trade in funerals around here." "Is your church in this district?" "My club is. People call it a mission, but I don't like the word. It's got too much the flavor of reaching down from above to dispense condescending charity." "Charity certainly seems to be needed here."

"They're not friends of ours," said Mollie quickly, "and as for being rivals we refuse to consider them as such." "Well, I don't blame you." The orange picking was in full swing now, and the girls spent many happy days in the grove. They learned many new ways of eating oranges, and marveled at the difference in flavor of the fruit picked from the trees, from that as they recalled it in the North.

Now the whole of the oil which contains this fragrance is at the surface is, in fact, the yellow portion of the rind; therefore this, and only this, must be removed with the grater. The white part underneath is bitter, and will cause milk or cream to curdle, but it contains no particle of lemon flavor.

Boil quickly for half a minute; then, removing the kettle, skim off carefully all the scum and whites of the eggs from the top, not stirring the soup itself. Pass through a jelly bag, when it should be very dear. Reheat just before serving, and add then a tablespoonful of caramel to give a rich color and flavor. Caramel Take a cup of sugar and a tablespoon of water.

No town like this!" he exclaimed, gazing into his lifted glass and with the accent of deep feeling. "No town on God's footstool. Nothing like it. Wouldn't live anywhere else if you gave me the planet. Of course I've reformed, but then it's the atmosphere not a taint of American Puritanism European and something more the wild flavor of a new and unique civilization.

There are flocks of parrots that obscure the sun. There are trees of a thousand species, each having its particular fruit, and all of marvelous flavor." Columbus was first of the opinion that he had found an island, but after following the shores for many miles he concluded that it was a continent.

But the quality of the voice that asked it had, even to his not very sensitive ear, an unaccustomed flavor. So, almost simultaneously with his answer, he looked up from his finger-nails and shot an inquiring glance through the grille. What he saw betrayed him into an involuntary stare. He didn't mean to stare; he meant to be respectful. But he was surprised.

The tender, slender fronds of the hay-scented Dicksonia are very wan and the odor from them now as you tramp through is not so much that of new-mown hay, as it was in June, but rather that of the stack or the mow, always with their own inimitable woodsy flavor added.

A real Oriental flavor, young man, about your manuscript." "There is very little of it," Burton said, "just a page or so which apparently the writer never had time to finish. The sheets came into my hands in rather a curious way, and I should very much like to have an exact translation of them. I don't even know what the language is. I thought, perhaps, that you might be able to help me.