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There is possible no Eugenic Feminism which shall satisfy those whose simple argument is that woman must have what she wants, just as man must. I do not for a moment admit that either men or women or children of a smaller growth are entitled to everything they want.

There is a talent for motherhood exactly as there is for other things. Other women have genius which can be of greatest service to the community in other ways. They should have opportunity to find their sphere. If this is "Feminism," it is also simple justice.

It is my business to acquaint myself with the literature of both eugenics and feminism, and I know that hitherto the eugenists have inclined to oppose the claims of feminism, Sir Francis Galton, for instance, having lent his name to the anti-suffrage side; whilst the feminists, one and all, so far as Anglo-Saxondom is concerned for Ellen Key must be excepted are either unaware of the meaning of eugenics at all, or are up in arms at once when the eugenist or at any rate this eugenist, who is a male person mildly inquires: But what about motherhood? and to what sort of women are you relegating it by default?

It is not sufficiently realized that while there has been a rise of feminism there has also been a great change in the status of children, a change that makes their care far more difficult than in the past. They have risen from subordinate figures in the household, schooled in absolute obedience, "to be seen and not heard," to the central figures in the household.

Observe that I say `femininity, a privilege not `feminism, an attitude. I am not a feminist. It was Fyne who on certain solemn grounds had adopted that mental attitude; but it was enough to glance at him sitting on one side, to see that he was purely masculine to his finger-tips, masculine solidly, densely, amusingly, hopelessly." I did glance at him.

"I shan't have anything to do with riots." "Within a month you will have been in a riot, Madame ... and I shall regret it." "And even if I am, Madame! You are a friend of Rosamund's. You must be in sympathy." "In sympathy with what?" "With with all this suffragism, feminism. I am anyway!" Audrey sat up straight. "It's horrible that women don't have the Vote.

Whether or not it fits woman to be a housewife of the traditional kind, feminism is certain to develop further. Women will enter into more diverse occupations than ever before, they will enter politics, they will find their way to direct power and action.

But the advance guards of feminism are beginning to recognize that there are all-essential relationships between the sexes, and that only in sex coöperation can there be any permanent solution of the great questions.

One line in the credo might have been written of human nature A.D. 1914-1917: "As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be." But while suffrage and feminism are related, they are far from identical. Suffrage is but a milestone in feminism, which may be described as the more or less concerted sweep of women from the backwaters into the broad central stream of life.

When Miss Ingate with extraordinary agility also jumped up and approached him, he apprehended, recalling rumours of Miss Ingate's advanced feminism, that the fate of an anti-suffragette Cabinet Minister might be awaiting him, and he prepared his defence. "You mustn't go," said Miss Ingate. "You are my solicitor, whatever mother may say, and you mustn't go," added Audrey in a soft voice.