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Choosing illustrations from a different group, the Hebrew salutation "Peace be with you," Shalom lachem, proves to be a blood cousin of the Arabic Salaam alaikum, indicating the common ancestry of these diverse languages. Among Polynesian peoples the Tahitian calls a house a fare, the Maori of New Zealand uses whare, while the Hawaiian employs the word hale, and the Samoan, fale.

"Wather is a blessed thing, and it's hard will be the heart that does not fale gratitude for a planty of swate wather." "The maty has plenty of food and water where he is," said Jack. "I'll answer for both them sarcumstances.

"Now is the time to Subscribe." "Franklin, Morse & Field." "Terms 1.50 dollars a year liberal reducshuns to clubs." In short the villige of Baldinsville was in a perfect fewroar. I never seed so many peple thar befour in my born days. Ile not attemp to describe the seens of that grate night. Wurds wood fale me ef I shood try to do it.

Stop it, dochthor! I've had enough! It's too good for the likes of me. I fale betther, dochthor; I won't throuble ye more, dochthor; many thanks to ye, dochthor! do ye hear? It's drowning I am!" By this time she had risen, and was standing ankle deep in water.

'Oh, I fale so bad, I am so wake oh, I do fale so bad, she used to say.

"Can ye fale the bullet in the wound, me young inimy?" he said, with a sigh. "No," I replied, looking him full in the eyes. "Our doctor will see to that." "Then ye've got a docthor with ye?" he said, pretty strongly now.

It was as good as a play to see the rascal winding them around his little finger and doing injured innocent on their front stoop. To hear him gas, you'd think there was a conspiracy to run him out of Fale a Lupo; and even when he owned up to some of his misdeeds, it was like a compliment to the Tweedies for having yanked in such a black sheep.

The god was supposed to avenge the insult by taking up his abode in that person's body, and causing to generate there the very thing which he had eaten, until it produced death. This class of genii, or tutelary deities, they called aitu fale, or gods of the house.

"One of those brutes shot me where that mark is, but I think the bullet travelled all round my thigh and lodged somewhere in the groin, I fancy, for I feel a lump there." "Sure, I wonder you can fale anythin'!" cried Garry, who was probing for the missile all the time.

Finding Afiola would be about as easy as the needle in the haystack, and the crews of a hundred Peep o' Days, and all the warriors of Fale a Lupo besides, couldn't have tracked and cornered him up the mountain.