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The diagnosis of faecal accumulations is facilitated by inquiring as to the color of the daily discharges. A black or a very dark green color almost always indicates the faeces are ancient. Prompt discharge of food refuse is indicated by more or less yellow color. It would be interesting to inquire why fresh faces are yellow and ancient faeces are dark.

When compelled to walk, his hind and fore legs seemed to mingle together, and his loins were bent into a perfect curve; his flanks were drawn in; he could scarcely be induced to eat; and he evidently suffered much in voiding his faeces. Mild and demulcent liquids were his only food.

The breath called Apana, having recourse to the heat that is in the urethra and the abdominal intestines, moves, engaged in carrying out urine and faeces. That single breath which operates in these three, is called Udana by those that are conversant with science. That breath which operates, residing in all the joints of men's bodies, is called Vyana.

Sheep that are unthrifty and in a poor physical condition, especially if this is due to internal parasites, frequently develop dropsical swellings in the region of the jaw, or neck. Body Excretions. The character of the body excretions, faeces and urine may become greatly changed in certain diseases.

The worm being extracted, the urine flowed, and the dog soon recovered. This is a too frequent consequence of piles. It is often the result of the stagnation of hardened faeces in the rectum, which produces inflammation and ulceration, and frequently leaves a fistulous opening.

There is frequent elevation of temperature. The animal is unable to pass urine or faeces, or there may be an involuntary passage of the body excretions. The outcome of this disease is unfavorable. Acute inflammation of the covering of the cord may subside within a few days. Cases that do not recover within a few weeks should be destroyed.

"Hic faeces varias Veneris, moresque prophanos, Quos natura fugit, me docuisse pudet." Mr. Hunter proceeds: "Messalina's guilty amours with Silius are described with a gay and festive air, with that pride of voluptuousness, and feeling taste of pleasure, as show the writer well versed in court intrigue.

Lambs are especially apt to contract this habit when suckling ewes that have on their udders long wool soiled with urine and faeces. The first symptom is the desire to chew, lick or eat indigestible or filthy substances.

The rectum passes through the pelvis. Whatever may be said of that intestine, considering its vertical position in the human being, it is always charged with faeces in the quadruped. It therefore shares more in the effect, whatever that may be, which is produced by the retention of faeces in the intestinal canal, and it shares also in the inflammatory affection of other parts of the canal.

Frequently a diarrhoea accompanies recovery, a portion of the faeces appearing black with polished surfaces, as though they had been baked.