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Don't you interrupt; you wait till I'm done, and see if I'm talking at random or without facks to support me. Well, fust time as ever I was sent for 'ere was in regard to drains, as they couldn't flush satisfactory. I did my work and come away. Not three weeks arter, Miss Rummles, the heldest gell, was took ill with typhoid.

"It beats all nater," said Jim, looking at them sympathetically, "how much boys can put down when they try. If the facks could be knowed, without cuttin' into 'em, I'd be willin' to bet somethin' that their legs is holler."

"I niver ran for a guinea. I niver saw a guinea. I be going an errand for feyther." "Ecod, then!" said the other man. "You're on a wrong scent. 'Twas no dolt that ran that day!" The man who had touched her laughed. "'Facks, you are right, Tom! But I'd ha' sworn 't was that brown girl.

You sometimes got to cut short at one end so's you can piece out at another, an' you can take it from me, you only pester folks by gettin' 'm down where they can't resist you, an' forcin' a lot of hard facks down their throats, which ain't the truth anyhow, an' which they don't want to swaller on no account. What do they care about the machinery, so long as it turns out the thing they want?

Saunders grew impatient. He pushed John aside, and came to the table, leaning his hands upon it, so as to command Isaac's face. 'Now, look 'ere, Isaac, he said, in a different voice from any that he had yet employed, 'let's come to business. These 'ere are the facks o' this case, an 'ow we're a-goin to get over 'em, I don see. John leaves his money in your cupboard.