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As f'r th' other thing, he says, 'th' less ye say about that, th' betther, he says. 'If some iv these beauchious Ph'lippeen belles ar-round here hears, he says, 'that ye're in that line, they may call on ye to give ye a chaste salute, he says, 'an', he says, 'f'rget, he says, 'to take th' see-gars out iv their mouths, he says. 'Ye desthroyed a lot iv coal, ye tell me, he says.

"I had it out with Father Kelly th' other day in this very matther. He was comin' up fr'm down town with an ar-rmful iv books f'r prizes at th' school. 'Have ye th' Key to Heaven there? says I. 'No, says he, 'th' childher that'll get these books don't need no key.

I know suthin' had happened the minute I see Miss White's face, f'r angels chantin' glory was nothin' to it. Do you know, Mrs. Lathrop, that Fox never lived up to the trumpet bargain one hour, but jus' yelled 'n' blew alternate, till the Deacon was nigh to deaf 'n' old Mrs. White begun to hear, 'n' they was all 'most fit for the Insane Asylum when Mrs.

A little later a number iv Americans in private life who wint over to rayceive in person th' thanks iv th' Impror f'r what they'd done f'r him talkin' ar-round th' bar at th' Union League Club, were foorced be th' warmth iv their rayciption to take refuge in th' house iv th' Rooshyan counsel.

"You're wrong, Plonny, in my opinion, and if you were ten times right, what of it? You seem to think that the Post is advocating this reformatory because Dayne has asked for it. The Post is doing nothing of the sort. It is advocating the reformatory because it has studied this question to the bottom for itself, because it knows " "Right! Good f'r you!" exclaimed Mr. Neal, much gratified.

Don't be long gone an' don't get shooted. An' he says: 'Not while I've got a leg undher me an' a rock in front iv me, he says. I tell ye, Hinnissy, ye can't beat a man that fights f'r his home an' counthry in a stovepipe hat.

Th' fire departmint was called to put Jools out, but wather niver touched him. Th' sewer gang wint down an' blocked th' dhrains, an' Jools soon had inspiration f'r a year's writin'. At last accounts th' garrison was still holdin' out bravely again a witherin' fire iv canned food, lobsters, omelets, an' hams.

"It's too late now," said Susan, not unkindly, "it's all over now all 'xcept the donation party, 'n' I don't see how you c'n do much there 'nless I bring over the butter 'n' mix it for you. But you mustn't interrupt me, Mrs. Lathrop, f'r if you do I never shall get through. "So the donation party was decided, 'n' Mrs.

They was an article on sewerage an' wan on prayin' f'r rain, an' another on muni-cipal ownership iv gas tanks, an' wan to show that they niver was a good milker ownded be a pro-fane man.

He went directly to his store, which had been left in charge of Mr. Spackles. Three men were waiting there for him. They handed him a leather bag and he satisfied himself that it contained fifteen thousand dollars. "Much 'bleeged, boys," he said. "Do as much f'r you, some day. G'-by." "Mr. Spackles," he said, "kin you fetch Grandmother Penny over here right now?" "Calculate I kin," said Mr.