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It acted with extraordinary confidence. It was as if it dared the Niccola to open fire. Taine's voice came out of a speaker, harsh and angry: "Even-numbered tubes prepare to fire on command." Nothing happened. The two ships floated sunward together, neither approaching nor retreating. But with every second, the need for action of some sort increased. "Mr. Baird!" barked the skipper.

The pilot reached ahead to the course-correction knob. The plane changed course. Sunshine shifted as it poured into the cabin. The ship was running on automatic pilot well above the cloud level, and at an even-numbered number of thousands of feet altitude, as was suitable for planes traveling south or west. Now it droned on its new course, forty-five degrees from the original.

Don't wonder, therefore, that you can't comprehend exactly why I'm in such a bad temper, to-day." She grew quiet, sinking down into a brown study that drew a vertical line upon her pretty brow. Then she asked: "Do you often go through Calle Mayor?" "Yes. Why?" "Do you remember the jeweler's shop on the right, on the even-numbered side, near the Puerta del Sol?" The student nodded.

Indisputably, these sections belonged to the P. and S. W. The even-numbered sections being government property could be and had been taken up by the ranchers, but the railroad sections, or, as they were called, the "alternate sections," would have to be purchased direct from the railroad itself. But this had not prevented the farmers from "coming in" upon that part of the San Joaquin.

For emigrants wishing to secure a "homestead," which is a grant of 160 acres given by Government free, with the exception of an office-fee, amounting to ten dollars on all the even-numbered sections of a town-ship, he will now have to travel much further west, as every acre around Winnipeg is already secured, and has in the last two years risen most considerably in value.

Then Taine's voice snapped: "Rocket crews, arm even-numbered rockets with chemical explosive warheads. Leave odd-numbered rockets armed with atomics. Report back!" Diane strained her ears for possible re-transmission of the Niccola's signals, which would indicate the Plumie's willingness to try conversation. But she suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the radar-graph instrument.