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The most desirable qualities in the use of English are the simple, plain, exact, lucid, concise, trenchant, vigorous, impressive, lively, figurative, polished, graceful, fluent, rhythmical, copious, elevated, flexible, smooth, dignified, terse, epigrammatic, felicitous, euphonious, elegant, and lofty.

This individual, who was the chief of the tribe, was named Dugingi; while his companion enjoyed the more euphonious sobriquet of Jemmy Davis. The latter had undertaken to introduce himself and his friend to the whites with much form; and during the ceremony we will take the opportunity of giving the reader a slight outline of his and his comrade's history.

"The German language is euphonious, and prolific in ideas, and it is well capable of rivalling in brevity and clearness those of the ancients." "That you have already asserted, and I have contested it, and again I contest it to-day. Do not trouble me with your German language.

The Bishop murmured an euphonious Italian name, and Father MacTurnan understood that he was speaking of one of the Pope's secretaries. "More than once," said Father MacTurnan, "I feared that if the decree were revoked, I should not have had sufficient courage to comply with it." And then he told the Bishop how he had met Norah Flynn on the road.

We had thought of a more sounding title; De Courval has a nobler sound, but my good uncle has nothing of the Norman about him: so we dropped the De as ridiculous Vargrave is euphonious and appropriate. My uncle has a manor of that name Baron Vargrave of Vargrave." "Ah I congratulate you." "Thank you. Lady Vargrave may destroy all my hopes yet. But nothing venture, nothing have.

It may be necessary to observe that he was what is termed a well-spoken man, having for a considerable time instructed the ingenious youth of his native parish in such of the liberal arts and sciences as he found it convenient to profess a circumstance which may account for the occurrence of several big words, in the course of this narrative, more distinguished for euphonious effect, than for correctness of application.

Follow Kleczynski's advice and do not sacrifice the Polonaise to the octaves. Karl Tausig, so Joseffy and de Lenz assert, played this Polonaise in an unapproachable manner. Powerful battle tableau as it is, it may still be presented so as not to shock one's sense of the euphonious, of the limitations of the instrument. This work becomes vapid and unheroic when transferred to the orchestra.

And the names of the firm were equally euphonious and equally suggestive of high decorum and cultured efficiency. Fortune, East and Sabre had a discreet and beautiful sound.

'Yes, they are, said Mr Codlin; 'but you might have made a favour of it, mightn't you? The real name of the little man was Harris, but it had gradually merged into the less euphonious one of Trotters, which, with the prefatory adjective, Short, had been conferred upon him by reason of the small size of his legs.

This in succeeding years had been merged into "Muddles" and finally to "Muggles," as being more euphonious and less insulting. Of late among his intimates he had been known as "The Goat," due to his constant habit of butting in at any and all times, a sobriquet which clings to him to this day.