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The penance Leonato enjoined him was to marry the next morning a cousin of Hero's, who, he said, was now his heir, and in person very like Hero. Claudio, regarding the solemn promise he made to Leonato, said he would marry this unknown lady, even though she were an Ethiop.

Her head, wrapped in a blue kerchief, was set in a golden glory, and she stared out, hieratic and wild-looking, with white, wide-open eyes. And this engimatical Ethiop had on her knees a black infant whose eyes, in the same way, stood out like snowballs from the dusky face.

Pish! he must be truly an Ethiop, whom time cannot whiten; a very leopard, who will not part with his spots, since the sun himself shall lose his some day, purged in his own fires." "I repeat, sir, your ward is in danger," said the seigneur doggedly. "Not at all.

Don't hope to escape. If murder comes to Drusus he may perish, but he has friends who will fearfully avenge his death." "Mercy! Mercy!" howled the Ethiop, falling on his knees and clutching at the young Greek's robe, "I know very little of the plot. I only know " "Don't equivocate," thundered Agias. "If I had known the kind of man you were, I would hardly have saved you from those street ruffians.

She would soon discover that the time occupied in waiting for relief could be more profitably employed, and she soon ceases to apply. The sixth class consists also of widows; but they are remarkable for idleness, intemperance, or improvidence. We know of no means of washing the Ethiop white. To this class, money-relief is the most objectionable form of relief.

Lorette is more beautiful, I think, more wild, more varied, more sympathetic, not so precipitous, not so concentrated, not so forceful, but more picturesque, poetic, sylvan, lovely. The descent is long, broad, and broken. The waters flash and foam over the black rocks like a white lace veil over an Ethiop belle, and then rush on to other woodland scenes.

In modern times, after his expatriation into dismal bondage, both Britain and America have had occasion to see that even in the paralysing fetters of political and social degradation the right arm of the Ethiop can be a valuable auxiliary on the field of battle.

Raleigh, with his usual smile. "Now, massa, you a'n't gwine" "No, Capua, I'm going to do nothing but look at the papers." "But massa's" "You need not be troubled, I said, I was not." "But, massa, s'pose I deserve a thrashing?" "There's no danger of your getting it, you blameless Ethiop!" Upon which pacific assurance, Capua departed.

"But think not," said the Soldan, "thou noble youth, that the Prince of Scotland is more welcome to Saladin than was Kenneth to the solitary Ilderim when they met in the desert, or the distressed Ethiop to the Hakim Adonbec.

These vagabonds had just thrown the Ethiop down into the mud, and were about to divide their booty, when Agias, acting on a generous impulse, rushed out from the tavern to the rescue.