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"Simply this, that if we don't put a stop to it, at the gait it's going, it will put a stop to the eternal-womanly." "I suppose we should hate that." "Yes, it would be bad. It would be very bad; and I have been turning the matter over in my mind, and studying out a remedy." "The highest type of philosopher turns a thing over in his mind and lets some one else study out a remedy." "Yes, I know.

I have heard praises of the thorough housekeeping of our grandmothers, but the housekeeping of their granddaughters is a thousand times more intense." "Do you really believe that?" I asked. "And if you do, what of it?" "Simply this, that if we don't put a stop to it, at the gait it's going, it will put a stop to the eternal-womanly." "I suppose we should hate that." "Yes, it would be bad.

"We shall not suffer so much as we do under our present system," said my friend, completing his sentence after the interruption of a week. By this time we had both left town, and were taking up the talk again on the veranda of a sea-side hotel. "As for the eternal-womanly, it will be her salvation from herself.

I once asked an Italian painter if he did not think a certain nobly imagined drawing-room was fine, and he said 'SI. Ma troppa roba. There were too many rugs, tables, chairs, sofas, pictures; vases, statues, chandeliers. 'Troppa roba' is the vice of all our household furnishing, and it will be the death of the eternal-womanly if it is not stopped.

And do you really think we could liberate ourselves from our belongings if they didn't belong to us? Wouldn't the eternal-womanly still keep putting them away for summer and taking them out for winter?" "At first, yes, there might be some such mechanical action in her; but it would be purely mechanical, and it would soon cease.

When the Standard Household-Effect Company came down on the temporal-manly with a penalty for violation of the lease, the eternal-womanly would see the folly of her ways and stop; for the eternal-womanly is essentially economical, whatever we say about the dressmaker's bills; and the very futilities of putting away and taking out, that she now wears herself to a thread with, are founded in the instinct of saving."

Yet to the most modern of girl bachelors there may come moments when the soul harks back to the eternal-womanly, and the desire to be petted and looked after and safe-conducted is stronger than the bachelor conventions. Two sections away the inevitable newly married pair posed unconsciously to point the moral for Miss Brentwood.

But the corrupt agents of a giant monopoly will teach the eternal-womanly something of the wise simplicity of the South, and she will end by returning to the ideal of housekeeping as it prevails among the Latin races, whom it began with, whom civilization began with. What of a harmless, necessary moth or two, or even a few fleas?"

I once asked an Italian painter if he did not think a certain nobly imagined drawing-room was fine, and he said 'SI. Ma troppa roba. There were too many rugs, tables, chairs, sofas, pictures; vases, statues, chandeliers. 'Troppa roba' is the vice of all our household furnishing, and it will be the death of the eternal-womanly if it is not stopped.

We must alienate our household furniture, and make it so sensitively and exclusively the property of some impersonal agency company or community, I don't care which that any care of it shall be a sort of crime; any sense of responsibility for its preservation a species of incivism punishable by fine or imprisonment. This, and nothing short of it, will be the salvation of the eternal-womanly."