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Quite different from the above, and in another phase of thought, are: 'Voyages d'un Parisien ; Journees de Voyage en Espagne et France ; Journees de Vacances ; and others. It is, however, as a novelist that the fame of Claretie will endure. He has followed the footsteps of George Sand and of Balzac.

Thus, although the Embassy hoped that it had succeeded in getting the persons in most urgent need off to America on the Espagne, the departure of that vessel has caused no let-up in the demand for funds, and some individuals who have already been helped once are now coming back for further assistance.

I left that for Life, 'la vie' that you were so anxious to experience. You made yourself 'Chateaux en Espagne. We all do that at some time or other." "Nobody really cares what becomes of me except " she broke off the sentence and continued steadily. "My people don't mind whether I am here or not. They won't like it if I come back a failure." In his heart Emile cursed the Fates.

Bessières, with the cavalry of Lasalle and Espagne, stood between Aspern and Essling; the division of Carra Saint-Cyr arrived later and was held in reserve. Lannes and Boudet, with a small force, were ordered to hold Essling. Enzersdorf was abandoned, and quickly occupied by the Austrian left. The fighting at Aspern was awful.

Sebastian's lease in Kate must, in legal phrase, 'determine; and any chateaux en Espagne, that the Saint might have built on the cloisteral fidelity of his pet Catalina, must suddenly give way in one hour, like many other vanities in our own days of Spanish bonds and promises. After reaching her tenth year, Catalina became thoughtful, and not very docile.

She really smiled as she quoted: "'It means intensely and it means good!" Auntie's tired eyes gathered us in again. "When you left Landrecourt last month he told me much about the voyage over here on the Espagne."

"On the strength of his salary in the 'Sens Commun, and on the chateaux en Espagne which he constructs thereon, he has already furnished an apartment in the Chaussee d'Antin, and talks of setting up a coupe in order to maintain the dignity of letters when he goes to dine with the duchesses who are some day or other to invite him. Yet I admire his self-confidence, though I laugh at it.

'Every one's opinion must be the same, she said. 'O, cried Lucy, 'of course Italy is pleasanter. It is selfish to wish to keep him here; but if I had my will, we would live together at Wrangerton, and have such nice poor people. 'A "chateau en Espagne" indeed, my little sister.

"Andre Chenier, natife de Constantinoble....son frere vice-consulte en Espagne. "Remark the questions on his health and correspondence and the cock-and-bull story about the 'maison a cotte. " They ask him where his servant was on the 10th of August, 1792, and he replies that he could not tell.

Madame de Pompadour said to Madame de Brancas, speaking of this fete, "He wishes to make us forget the chateau en Espagne he has been dreaming of; in Spain, however, they build them of solider materials." The people did not shew so much joy at the Dauphin's recovery. They looked upon him as a devotee, who did nothing but sing psalms.