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"A lawyer?" gasped Mrs. Tarbell. "Yes, ma'am; a lady lawyer." Mrs. Tarbell had never a word to say. In spite of having triumphed over all the arguments, both those epicene and those particularly masculine, which had been used against herself, she had not now the strength of mind to use them in her turn. In spite of being a lawyer, she had a conscience. No wonder Mrs. Tarbell was embarrassed.

Unenvious, therefore, of royalty, and fully crediting that never-quoted sentiment of Shakspeare's "Uneasy," &c., my motto, within the legitimate limits of right reason, and in common with that of some ridiculed philosopher of Roundhead times, is the prudent saying, "Whoever's king, I'll be subject!" ay, and for the masculine I place the epicene.

Because he had observed with augmenting frequency in the preceding members of the same series the same concupiscence, inflammably transmitted, first with alarm, then with understanding, then with desire, finally with fatigue, with alternating symptoms of epicene comprehension and apprehension. With what antagonistic sentiments were his subsequent reflections affected?

Those youthful pontifical saints, so richly arrayed, offering with slender royal hands that beautiful body to the dust is their mysterious gesture only the rhythm of the secret of Death? Those chastened and winnowed spectators, with their withdrawn, remote detachment not sadness are they the initiated sentinels of the House of Corruption? At what figured symbol points that epicene child?

It seems a curious effect of the great compensatory balance of things that a masculine rude people like the English, who love nothing so much as adventures and warlike achievements, should allow themselves to be steered in ordinary times by epicene æsthetes.

There was talk of the gentle art of needlework, of the latest bazaar and the agreeable address delivered thereat by Mr Cargrim; the epicene pastime of lawn tennis was touched upon; and ardent young persons discussed how near they could go to Giant Pope's cave without getting into the clutches of its occupant.

Their programme is to convert the whole world into an epicene institution -an epicene institution in which man and woman shall everywhere work side by side at the selfsame tasks and for the selfsame pay. These wishes can never by any possibility be realised.

Crude amateurishness was the characteristic of these honest and hard-working professionals, who somehow contrived to be neither men nor women and assuredly not epicene but who travelled from country town to country town in a glamour of posters, exciting the towns, in spite of a perfect lack of sex, because they were the fabled Russian dancers.

I was so moved by the common humanity of them all that in each case I broke away from the discreet interpretations of de Tessin and talked to them directly in the strange dialect which I have inadvertently made for myself out of French, a disemvowelled speech of epicene substantives and verbs of incalculable moods and temperaments, "Entente Cordiale." The talked back as if we had met in a club.

So Bartas like thy fine spun Poems been, That Bartas name will prove an Epicene. There follows, what can only be defined as a gushing tribute from John Rogers, also metrical, though this was not included until the second edition.