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Think he's come to lobby for it?" Count Duklass chuckled. "He's not doing anything about it, himself. Have you met him yet, sir?" "Not yet. He's to be presented this evening." "Well, when you see him I think the masculine pronoun is permissible you'll see what I mean, sir. It's this Lord Koreff, the Marshal.

One of the first to let down bore the device of Duklass, and from it the Minister of Economics, the Minister of Education, and a couple of other Ministers, alighted. Count Duklass went at once to Prince Travann, drawing him away from King Ranulf and Lord Koreff and talking to him rapidly and earnestly. Count Tammsan approached at a swift half-run. "Save Your Majesty!" he greeted, breathlessly.

Impulsively, he punched out a combination on the communication screen and got Count Duklass, Minister of Economics. Count Duklass had thinning red hair and a plump, agreeable, extrovert's face. He smiled and waited to be addressed. "Sorry to bother Your Lordship," Paul greeted him. "What's the story on this export quota request from Durendal? We have their king here, now.

The main function of Technology has been to suppress anything that might threaten this state of economic rigor mortis that Duklass calls stability, and the function of Science has been to let muttonheads like Khane and Dandrik dominate the teaching of science.

The Prime Minister looked at him angrily, stung by the realization that somebody else had a personal intelligence service as good as his own, then swallowed his anger and assented. "Furthermore," Count Duklass continued, "the Ministry of Defense, itself, is an anachronism, which no doubt accounts for the condition in which we now find it.

The Minister of Security nodded, then turned back to the Minister of Economics. They talked for a few moments longer, then clasped hands, and Travann left Duklass with his face wreathed in smiles. The Gendarme officer accompanied him as he approached. "Your Majesty, this is Colonel Handrosan, the officer who handled the affair at the University." "And a very good piece of work, colonel."

What would it have looked like to you, in their place?" "A coup d'etat. For that matter, wasn't that what it was? Why didn't you tell me you were springing it?" "I didn't spring it; it was sprung on me. I didn't know a thing about it till Max Duklass buttonholed me down by the landing stage.

"Well, as to that, sir, I can't say. All I learned was that it was the result of some faculty squabble in one of the science departments; the grounds for the dismissal were insubordination and contempt for authority." "I always thought that when authority began inspiring contempt, it had stopped being authority. Did you say science? This isn't going to help Duklass and Tammsan any."

"Well, Count Duklass and Count Tammsan want to have the Ministry of Science and Technology abolished, and its functions and personnel distributed. Count Duklass means to take over the technological sections under Economics, and Count Tammsan will take over the science part under Education. The proposal is going to be introduced at this Session by Count Guilfred, the Minister of Health and Sanity.

He hopes to get some of the bio-and psycho-science sections for his own Ministry." "That's right. Duklass gets the hide, Tammsan gets the head and horns, and everybody who hunts with them gets a cut of the meat. That's good sound law of the chase. I'm not in favor of it, myself. Prince Ganzay, at this session, I wish you'd get Captain-General Dorflay nominated for the Bench.