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It's all so dreamlike I've always been obsessed with that consciousness. How faint can be the line between the dream and reality." He drew her toward him by the hands, their faces lit, quivering, close. "Lilly, Lilly, let us not stop just short of happiness." "All my life I have done that." "I cannot put you out of my heart now that I have put you in." "No. No. No."

Mist closed the distances; we could hear, but not see, the deer where they stood to drink in the shallow places, or couched in the gray and dreamlike recesses of the forest. Spectral, unreal, and hollow seems the world at dawn. Then, if ever, the heart sickens and the will flags, and life becomes a pageant that hath ceased to entertain.

"Oh, if you were only here!" she whispered unevenly. It would be hard to determine whether she was thinking of Stratton, that dreamlike hero of hers, whose tragic death she had felt so keenly, or of another man who was very much alive indeed. Perhaps she scarcely knew herself. At all events it was only a momentary little breakdown.

All his sensations were dreamlike but he felt that headachy exhaustion that comes of overwork too long continued. "I'll try," he said tiredly, "to see that you have some fun before you go back, Babs. You'll go back as soon as we dive off into whatever we're diving into, but you ought to get in the regular tourist stuff up here, anyhow." Babs said nothing. Pointedly.

More and more the old man finds his pleasures in memory, as the present becomes unreal and dreamlike, and the vista of his earthly future narrows and closes in upon him. At last, if he live long enough, life comes to be little more than a gentle and peaceful delirium of pleasing recollections.

Here after they had licked the pure white salt from the golden-grained granite, the sheep dreamed their long dream, and their tufts of thick wool overlapped like the leaves of great branches covered with snow. This landscape was so pure and of such dreamlike clarity that it had whitened the eye-lashes of the lambs, and had entered into their eyes of gold.

In a kind of dim and dreamlike bewilderment, Victor de Mauleon found himself without the walls of the convent.

The brief service over, the flower girls strewed roses in the path of the bridal pair all the way to the great west drawing-room. It was like a queen's pageant in a vision of fairyland. The myriad lights, the gaily dressed children, the lavish profusion of flowers, the soft music floating from a bank of ferns, all united to make the scene unusually dreamlike and beautiful.

"I should think they would have autos," said Jack, "with all their science and ingenuity which Edmund admires so much." But there was not a sign of anything resembling an auto; the silence of the crowded streets was startling, and made the scene more dreamlike. Everybody appeared to be shod with some noise-absorbing material.

Throughout each day all things around him were dreamlike and unsubstantial, and he performed many actions as automatically as if he had been a somnambulist.