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Updated: September 11, 2024

There was a thick down-come of snow, and the new flakes covered the street like feathers to a fluffy depth of two inches. As Dorothy and Richard reached the sidewalk on Dorothy's return to the Harley house, Richard, with the abrupt remark: "I'll save you from the snow, my dear!" caught Dorothy in those Pict arms and strode across.

"After his lordship's it might be something of a down-come," said John Splendid, half to me and half to the woman. She caught his meaning, though he spoke in the English; and in our own tongue, laughing toothlessly, she said

To this I replied humbly that I had heard he was writing a book upon his family, which was one of the most ancient in the county, and that it was a pity he should be the last of so old and formerly so famous a stock. 'Ay, retorted my driver, with a glance of scorn out of the tail of his eye, as he flicked upon his white steed, 'ay, there'll maybe be a sair down-come when he's depairted.

"So she did, did she! Never heard on it," Liza broke in. Not noticing the interruption, Mrs. Garth continued: "And now, who knows but she may come down lower yet who knows but she may?" Still failing to gain a response to her gloomy prognostications, Mrs. Garth replied to her own inquiry. "None on us knows, I reckon! And what a down-come it wad be for her, poor creatur!"

The down-come of snow in no sort disquieted him; there abode a bent for winter in his blood, throughout the centuries Norse, that would have liked a Laplander. Even his love for pictures ran away to scenes of snow and wind-whipped wolds with drifts piled high.

One thing not suspected by the Teutsch Ritters, and least of all by their young Hochmeister, was, That the Teutsch Ritters had well deserved that terrible down-come at Tannenberg, that ignominious dismissal out of West-Preussen with kicks. Their insolence, luxury, degeneracy had gone to great lengths. Nor did that humiliation mend them at all; the reverse rather.

"The day was, Donnel," said Sullivan, whilst he pointed, with a sigh, to the unfurnished chimney, "when we could give you as I said awhile agone a betther welcome in one sense I mane betther tratement than we can give you now; but you know the times that is in it, an' you know the down-come we have got, an' that the whole country has got so you must only take the will for the deed now to such as we have you're heartily welcome.

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