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Now you get hold of all the door-keys you can find, and I'll nip all of auntie's, and the first dark night we'll go there and try 'em. And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge. If you see him, you just follow him; and if he don't go to that No. 2, that ain't the place."

One was a singular glass case over the fireplace, within which were some large mediaeval door-keys, black with rust and age; and the others were two full-length oil portraits in the costume of the end of the last century so out of all proportion to the size of the room they occupied that they almost reached to the floor.

The people who lived on the premises were responsible for cleaning the rooms and other care; to them Rhoda delivered the door-keys. Miss Barfoot was grave and silent on the way home. Rhoda, annoyed at the subject that doubtless occupied her friend's thoughts, gave herself up to reflections of her own. A week's notice to her employers would release Monica from the engagement in Walworth Road.

Their crimes were variously stated, from that of murder, arson, and picking pockets, down to the felon who had stolen a pair of shoes to cover his feet; one had stolen a pair of pantaloons, and a little boy had stolen a few door-keys. Three boys were undergoing their sentence for murder.

He must be looking for some one else. "No, it's you I want," said the lad, taking Barefoot's hand. "Will you dance?" Amrei could not speak. But what need was there to speak? She threw everything she had in her arms down into a corner jackets, neckerchiefs, caps, pipes, and door-keys and stood there ready.

"Then because my life is great and theirs are little," said Helen, taking fire. "I know of things they can't know of, and so do you. We know that there's poetry. We know that there's death. They can only take them on hearsay. We know this is our house, because it feels ours. Oh, they may take the title-deeds and the door-keys, but for this one night we are at home."