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"A bumper-toast to the health of the future millionnaire whom I present to you in my nephew and sole heir, Pisistratus Caxton, Esq. Mr. "'Let the bumper-toast go round." Guy Bolding. "Hip, hip, hurrah! three times three! What fun!" Order is restored; dinner-things are cleared; each gentleman lights his pipe. Vivian. "What news from England?" Mr. Bullion. "As to the Funds, sir?" Mr. Speck.

After dinner Neil cleared away the dinner-things and removed the cloth. My grandmother bade him replenish the fire, and he went away and returned with a great armful of logs. I guessed that my grandmother felt that in here we were out of sight of the preparations for the wedding which were going on everywhere else in the house.

Then the kettle was boiled, and the poor woman surprised herself and delighted Shenac by drinking a cup of tea and eating a bit of toasted bread with relish. Then her hands and face were bathed, and her cap straightened, and she declared herself to be much better, as indeed it was easy to see she was. Then Shenac cleared the dinner-things away and swept the hearth, the husband and wife looking on.

The men were either theoretically or practically at business. Alicia was at school. Mrs. Orgreave lay upstairs. The servants had cleared away and washed up the dinner-things, and had dined themselves. The kitchen had been cleansed and put in order, and every fire replenished. Two of the servants were in their own chambers, enfranchised for an hour: one only remained on duty.

Emily, postponing for the purpose the washing up of her dinner-things, sat beside the sofa till Bessie grew calm enough to become attentive, when, she sympathetically listened, and flattered, and soothed. "There's others as is ready to die for you, and ask no better, if Deleah have snatched away this one," Emily declared.