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"Your friend's appetite sames as dilicate as his wor-rkin' powers," observed Hogan as he watched the Englishman stoop and disappear through the doorway. Madden smiled. "We didn't work any too hard this afternoon, did we?" Mike and Pierre proved droll companions, ready to jibe at anyone or anything in perfect good nature, so that it was an hour before Leonard strolled outside.

I'll be bound you do, sir, raise your little finger of an odd time, as well as another. Eh, Ma'am? That's comin' close to his honor! An' faix, small blame to him, an' a weeshy sup o' the wine to the misthress herself, to correct the tindherness of her dilicate appetite." "Peter, this bantering must not pass: I think I have a claim upon your respect and deference.

I found them best when cooked in Indian Stile, which is by rosting a number of them together on a wooden spit without any previous preperation whatever. they are so fat that they require no aditional sauce, and I think them Superior to any fish I ever tasted, even more dilicate and lussious than the white fish of the Lakes which have heretofore formed my Standard of excellence among the fishes.

"But thou, that didst appear so fair To fond imagination, Dost rival in the light of day Her dilicate Creation" Better known as "Rural Architecture." The first line of the poem on Bolton Abbey: "'What is good for a bootless bene? With these dark words begins my fate; And their meaning is, whence can comfort spring When Prayer is of no avail?" May 6, 1815.

'Ye know ye can't afford to lose ye'er job with me in this dilicate condition, he says. 'I'm going to sleep now, he says. 'An', Mollie, do ye bring me in a cup iv cocoa an' a pooched igg at tin, he says. 'I ixpect me music-teacher about that time. We have to take a wallop out iv Wagner an' Bootoven befure noon. 'Th' Lord save us fr'm harm, says Mrs. Donahue.

'And the raight on't too, said Mr. Bates, 'for she hasn't the cut of a gell as must work for her bread; she's as nesh an' dilicate as a paich-blossom welly laike a linnet, wi' on'y joost body anoof to hold her voice. But long before Tina had reached this stage of her history, a new era had begun for her, in the arrival of a younger companion than any she had hitherto known.