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And she can't learn much under the principal we've got now, can she?" "No, I'm afraid she can't," his wife admitted. "She frets a good deal and says that man always has to look in the back of the book for the answers. She hates all that diagramming they have to do, and I think myself it's a waste of time." Mr. Kronborg settled himself back into the seat and slowed the mare to a walk.

School also failed with the education of the inner Emeline, although she moved successfully from a process known as "diagramming" sentences to a serious literary analysis of "Snow- Bound" and "Evangeline," and passed terrifying examinations in ancient history, geography, and advanced problems in arithmetic.

"Why, my dear little girl " John caught the child's thin hands in a firm, warm grip. She was trembling violently and her fingers twitched. "This won't do! That's what keeps the dark rings round your eyes, is it? Of course you shan't sleep alone! How does school go?" "Fine," answered the child. "I hate grammar and diagramming, but the rest is easy." "And what book are you reading now?"

At eleven o'clock came word that the King was too ill to have him to luncheon, but that he would see him for a few moments that afternoon. Prince Ferdinand William Otto, who was diagramming the sentence, "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in America," and doing it wrong, looked up in dismay. "I'd like to know what's the use of having a birthday," he declared rebelliously.

In diagramming anything Flint could come to be certain that he had been a slow one. He was one and being that one he was one seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was not seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was describing what he hoped he would not come to be seeing. He was one and he was seeing something.

He was diagramming with his pencil some new mechanical device to be used at the Metropolitan in the production of the Rheingold, when he became conscious that she was looking at him intently, and that he was talking to the four walls. Katharine was lying back among the pillows, watching him through half-closed eyes, as a painter looks at a picture.