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I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

David fell silent after a while, stiffening under a presentiment which was soon realised. He heard his sister's wretched lot discussed with shouts of laughter the chances of Brenart's escape from the mistress he had already wearied of and deceived the perils of 'la Montjoie's' jealousy. 'Il veut bien se debarrasser d'elle mais on ne plaisante pas avec une tigresse! said one of the speakers.

She was going to have puppies, and I was stroking her silky coat thinking of her coming trouble, when I suddenly heard Clementine's voice raised above the others, and looking up I saw a great animation in her face; I heard that the cards had not been fairly dealt, and then the women threw their cards aside, and La Glue told Clementine that she was not wanted, that elle ferait bien de debarrasser les planches, that was the expression she used.

I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

I assure you I have no wish to convert the people; they are paying their rents very well now, and I think it absurd to upset them; and the fact of having received Cecilia into the Church might incline the priest very much towards us. 'And Cecilia will be so happy in that beautiful convent! suggested Mrs. Barton. 'C'est le génie du Catholicisme de nous débarrasser des filles laides.