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It was almost dark when the lookout sighted a steamer coming out from the islands. By the order of the captain, the engine was stopped, and the steamer rested silently on a calm sea. "I don't think she has seen us yet," said Captain Breaker. "If she had, she would have come about and run back into the harbor." "She keeps on her course," added Mr. Dashington.

"I know the port very well, and I have no idea where the mouth of the lagoon is, or even if it has any mouth in Pensacola Bay." "Wherever the Teaser may be waiting her chance, this is a good night for a start," replied Mr. Dashington. "Of course the officers of Fort Pickens are on the lookout for the saucy little craft," added Mr. Blowitt.

George, we shall not be allowed to sail till twenty-four hours after this fast vessel leaves," said Captain Breaker. "On the other hand, if we are seen off the port, she will not come out." "I don't see, then, that we can do anything about it, Captain Breaker," added Mr. Dashington.

The wind was very light, and his chances of accomplishing his purpose were not very brilliant. "Mr. Dashington, you will call all hands, and be ready to board the prize in three divisions when we run abreast of her," said Captain Breaker. "Let Mr. Passford command the forward division; Mr. Blowitt, the waist; and Mr. Calvert, the quarter."

Here you are, my jolly frisker: and that gentleman is the captain of the steamer." As he spoke, the officer set his victim down rather heavily on the deck, and he sprawled out at full length on the planks. But he was sputtering with rage at the treatment he had received; and he sprang to his feet, rushing towards Mr. Dashington as though he intended to annihilate him.

"Is it fully high tide now, Breaker?" asked Captain Passford, who was watching the movements of the vessel with the most intense interest, for it seemed to him that the critical moment in his enterprise had come. "Not quite; it will not be full sea for about half an hour," replied the commander. "If we take the ground, we shall have some small chance of getting off. Mr. Dashington."

Dashington, the youth with whom I used to read the able orations of Cicero, and who, as a declaimer on exhibition days, used to wipe the rest of us boys pretty handsomely out well, Dashington is identified with the halibut and cod interest drives a fish cart, in fact, from a certain town on the coast, back into the interior.

"Take seats, gentlemen," said the commander, as he pointed to chairs at the table at which he was seated. "I am ordered back to the Bellevite as first lieutenant, for poor Dashington has been seriously wounded. Mr. Passford is ordered to New York in the Vixen, which brings these despatches, for she must be condemned. Mr.

Dashington, the youth with whom I used to read the able orations of Cicero, and who as a declaimer on exhibition days used to wipe the rest of us boys pretty handsomely out well, Dashington is identified with the halibut and cod interests drives a fish-cart, in fact, from a certain town on the coast back into the interior.

Captain Breaker went to the pilot-house, looked at the barometer, and then directed Mr. Dashington to crowd on all sail, for he intended to drive the vessel to her utmost capacity. The Bellevite was rigged as a barkantine; that is, she was square-rigged on her foremast, like a ship, while her main and mizzen masts carried only fore-and-aft sails, including gaff-topsails.