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You can't think how I longed to be one o' them and behave like that. But the two things didn't seem to go together." "What two things?" "Why, sittin' at a desk like that and sittin' on a sofa and sayin' 'How d'e do, my dear?

I tell 'e, women 'ave to 'ave a master, and no man better tackle that job until 'e can be sure 'e can make 'er walk the chalk-line." "But I don't want her to walk any line; I just want her to speak to me." "Dang me if I don't believe you are locoed. Why, she's got 'e throwed hand 'og-tied now. What d'e want to make it any worse for?"

"It seems to me," said Monsieur D'E , "that your national literature is peculiarly deficient in biography am I right in my opinion?"

"It must be allowed," said Monsieur D'E t, "that if this be true, our philosophy is the most useful, though yours may be the most profound." Vincent did not reply. "Yet," said Sir George Lynton, "there will be a disadvantage attending your writings of this description, which, by diminishing their general applicability, diminish their general utility.

Another attraction was my companion, Mr. d'E. himself a man stout in person, quiet by disposition, and of few words; a man, too, with a lineage which connected him with many of the oldest pioneer families of French Canada. His ancestor, Jacques Alexis d'Eschambault, originally of St.

"This is a pleasure party. Mr. Van Dusen wants to know why Maud S. is like a salamander?" "He is not to be gratified, Marion. If it is conundrums, I shall get out and walk." Before the conundrum was guessed, the volatile Van Dusen broke out into, "Here's a how d'e do!"

The Comte d'E , who was what is called 'enfant d'honneur' to the Dauphin, and about fourteen years of age, came into the Dauphin's apartments, one evening, with his bag-wig snatched off, and his ruffles torn, and said that, having walked rather late near the piece of water des Suisses, he had been attacked by two robbers; that he had refused to give them anything, drawn his sword, and put himself in an attitude of defence; that one of the robbers was armed with a sword, the other with a large stick, from which he had received several blows, but that he had wounded one in the arm, and that, hearing a noise at that moment, they had fled.

"It seems to me," said Monsieur D'E , "that your national literature is peculiarly deficient in biography am I right in my opinion?"

The Marquis d'E- had fought up against his condition with great firmness; wishing to preserve, and still show to the world, some little fragments of what his ancestors had been; their indiscretions had put it out of his power. There was enough left for the little exigencies of OBSCURITY. But he had two boys who looked up to him for LIGHT; he thought they deserved it.

"I didn' think it worth mentionin' at the time, sir; but these instruments aren't intended for carryin' about." "No, no," Captain Cai agreed hastily. "Here, 'Bias! Look around an' see who's the first to welcome ye! Tregaskis, of all men! And this here's his missus." "How d'e do, Mr Tregaskis," said Captain Tobias, shaking hands.