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'By Ceres, by Pan, and by Cybele! thou dost but provoke my curiosity, instead of exciting my fears, returned the wayward and pampered Pompeian. 'I will seek and question him of his lore. If to these orgies love be admitted why the more likely that he knows its secrets! Nydia did not answer. 'I will seek him this very day, resumed Julia; 'nay, why not this very hour?

In art it is represented by a blending of the traits of both sexes. Such rites were not mere sensualities. The priests of these divinities often voluntarily suffered emasculation. None but a eunuch could become high priest of Cybele.

Cybele is the Latin name of the goddess called by the Greeks Rhea and Ops. She was the wife of Cronos and mother of Zeus. In works of art, she exhibits the matronly air which distinguishes Juno and Ceres. Sometimes she is veiled, and seated on a throne with lions at her side, at other times riding in a chariot drawn by lions.

She took from them their human form and turned them into animals of characters resembling their own: of the huntress-heroine, triumphing in the blood of her lovers, she made a lioness, and of her lord and master a lion, and yoked them to her ear, there they are still to be seen in all representations, in statuary or painting, of the goddess Cybele.

The legends and rites of the two gods were so much alike that the ancients themselves sometimes identified them. Attis was said to have been a fair young shepherd or herdsman beloved by Cybele, the Mother of the Gods, a great Asiatic goddess of fertility, who had her chief home in Phrygia. Some held that Attis was her son. His birth, like that of many other heroes, is said to have been miraculous.

Our eyes rested with delight on the White City throned on its numerous isles, looking like a sea Cybele ascending from the lake with her tiara of proud towers. At our arrival on the Fair Grounds, Mr. James thoughtfully provided us with guides and rolling-chairs vehicles which reminded us of the Japanese Jin-riki-sha.

Fraser tells us of this worship which was introduced from Assyria into Rome about two hundred years before Christ. It was the worship of Cybele and Attis. These deities were attended by emasculated priests and the priests in oriental costume paraded Rome in religious ceremony. Adonis, Attis and Osiris. On one occasion, namely, "the day of blood" in the Spring, the chief ceremony was held.

Upon another, Cybele gave him the keys, Reason handed him a bridle, Hebe a basket of flowers, Wisdom a looking-glass and two law books, Diligence a pair of spurs; while Constancy, Magnanimity, Prudence, and other virtues, furnished him with a helmet; corslet, spear, and shield.

Listen, my daughter: I myself, while still king of Lydia, often sacrificed in sincere devotion to the Apollo of the Greeks, without a fear that in so doing I should offend the Lydian sun-god Sandon; the Ionians pay their worship to the Asiatic Cybele, and, now that I have become a Persian, I raise my hands adoringly to Mithras, Ormuzd and the lovely Anahita.

Frazer tells us of this worship which was introduced from Assyria into Rome about two hundred years before Christ. It was the worship of Cybele and Attis. These deities were attended by emasculated priests and the priests in oriental costume paraded Rome in religious ceremony. On one occasion, namely, "the day of blood" in the Spring, the chief ceremony was held.