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A square hole is cut in the ground; this is boarded round, and a simple wooden shed, like a gigantic dish-cover, is put over it. Here again my guide said that miraculous cures are wrought annually. It is a wonder that anybody is left with an ache or a pain in a country which has such wonderful waters.

And nothing so effectually as an evening bath, as my experience testifies, cures fatigue and propitiates to dreamless slumber. Thursday, June 9. At the Louvre. Studied three statues half an hour each the Venus Victrix, Polyhymnia, and Gladiateur Combattant. The first is mutilated; but if disarmed she conquers all hearts, what would she achieve in full panoply?

This encouraged a marabout, who hitherto had not interfered with us, to insist that we should turn Mohammedans; and every day we were summoned to hear him abuse the Christians, and to listen to his arguments in favour of the faith of the Prophet. Boxall, too, had not been so successful in his cures as at first.

In addition to this he was liberal: never has the French clergy been more earnestly so, from the latest cures back to the first archbishops. Lastly, remark the distribution of the clergy over the territory. There was a cure or vicar in the smallest of the forty thousand villages.

Sight is restored to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, the use of their limbs to the crippled, diseases of all kind are cured, by invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin by means of the devotion of the rosary. The conversion of a hardened sinner is, after all, a greater miracle than all cures of disease.

To him immortality was a demonstrated fact, an experience. He had been out of the body. Intensity was his dominating quality. He wrote verses, and whatever they may have lacked of the subtle element that marks poetical genius, they were full of his ardent personality and devotional abandon. He compounded medicines whose virtues, backed by his own unwavering faith, wrought wondrous cures.

Wild, a weird Yankee who made medicine in a saucepan, and worked more cures on Bushmen than did the other three doctors of the district together maybe because the Bushmen had faith in him, or he knew the Bush and Bush constitutions or, perhaps, because he'd do things which no 'respectable practitioner' dared do. I've described him in another story.

The diseases were, for the most part, of that sort which depends upon inaction and obstruction, as dropsies, palsies, and some tumours. The cures were gradual; some patients attending many days, some several weeks, and some several months. The cures were many of them incomplete. Others were temporary.

In Canada especially, where the large majority of females have little more correct knowledge of that which occurs out of their own district than of Herschel's astronomical discoveries, young women cannot be personally familiar with any Priests, in ordinary cases, except those who may have been "Cures" of the parish in which they reside, or of the immediate vicinity, or an occasional visitor during the absence, or sickness, or death of the resident Curate or Missionary.

There are farms in Morayshire which are not breeding farms, and where the young stock does not thrive, and the calves have to be sold, and even old cattle only thrive for a certain length of time. Some farms are apt to produce cancer on the throat and side of the head. I pay little attention to this, as change of air cures the complaint.