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A disorderly troop of Wallachians approached the Decurio's house, triumphantly bearing the hussar's csako on a pole before them. "Had I left you there last night, they would now have exhibited your head instead of your csako." The crowd halted before the Decurio's window, greeting him with loud vociferations.

One day, while away from home hunting at Csáko, Baron Leonard learnt that the Countess Kengyelesy's latest ideal was Szilard Vámhidy and when chance soon afterwards brought him also to Arad, he could see for himself that the countess really did load the young man with distinction in society. The circumstance began to irritate him.

"I shall not require you you may remain at home," said Imre, as, taking the bridle of one of the horses, vaulting lightly into the saddle, he pressed his csako over his brow and galloped from the castle. As he rode under the cross, he checked his horse and looked back. Was it of his grandmother's words, or of the golden-haired Jolanka that he thought? A white handkerchief waved from the window.

A disorderly troop of Wallachians approached the Decurio's house, triumphantly bearing the hussar's csako on a pole before them. "Had I left you there last night, they would now have exhibited your head instead of your csako." The crowd halted before the Decurio's window, greeting him with loud vociferations.

The dolmany, the csako, and the csizma, have grown to his body; they form his holyday dress even when off duty the national costume transferred into the army; and as he is aware that this is not the case in other countries, the foreign Hussar's dress is in his eyes a mere servant's livery; and logically the man is not altogether wrong.

Such pleasure-resorts as Csákó, Ménes, Magyarát and Világos and the castles of the magnates residing on the circumjacent puszta are all of a heap, so to speak, around Arad; so that there is no occasion for acquaintances to separate in spring or autumn; wherefore to all those who would devote themselves uninterruptedly to social joys, Arad is a veritable Eldorado.

The father paced hastily up and down the apartment, now and then stopping short to address his son, who stood in the embrasure of one of the windows. The latter wore the dress of the Matyas Hussars a gray dolmany, with crimson cord; he held a crimson csako, with a tricolored cockade, in his hand. "Go," said the father, speaking in broken accents; "the sooner the better; let me not see you!

"I shall not require you you may remain at home," said Imre, as, taking the bridle of one of the horses, vaulting lightly into the saddle, he pressed his csako over his brow and galloped from the castle. As he rode under the cross, he checked his horse and looked back. Was it of his grandmother's words, or of the golden-haired Jolanka that he thought? A white handkerchief waved from the window.