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I found in my unhappy comrade that worn and ruined look which used to strike us formerly among the poor Poles of the crémerie. "Ah, well, old man, things are not going well?" "Deucedly bad, my boy," he answered, with a heart-breaking smile.

And if they did not fall out of the habit of companionship even at the crémerie, though "two portions for one" were not served, their union at least kept the sexagenarians in countenance. Two brown wigs give each other a moral support, are on the way to a fashion. But there was more than wigs and cheese-parings in their camaraderie.

I knew the poet Louis Miraz very well, in the old times in the Latin Quarter, where we used to take our meals together at a crémerie on the Rue de Seine, kept by an old Polish woman whom we nicknamed the Princess Chocolawska, on account of the enormous bowl of créme and chocolate which she exposed daily in the show-window of her shop.

But though they met continuously in the musty corridor, and even dined when they did dine at the same crémerie, they never spoke to each other. Madame la Propriétaire was the channel through which they sucked each other's history, for though they had both known her in their girlish days at Tonnerre, in the department of Yonne, they had not known each other.

As Saint Agnes remained immaculate in the brothels, this church remained intact amid infamous surroundings, when all near it in the streets from the Château Rouge to the Cremerie Alexandre, only two paces off, the modern rabble of rascality combine their misdeeds, mingling with prostitutes their brewage of crime, their adulterated absinthe and spirits.

Their morning brew was confected of charred crusts, and as they sipped it solemnly they exchanged the reflection that it was quite equal to the coffee at the crémerie. Positively one was safer drinking one's own messes. Figs, no longer posing as a pastime of the palate, were accepted seriously as pièces de résistance. The Spring was still cold, yet fires could be left to die after breakfast.

But when she proposed to take her to the crêmerie, Périne began to wail again, and it was evident that something had so terrified her, that it would be cruelty to force her out into the streets. Every now and then she let drop another word or two on the subject of her fright; her poor disconnected brain seemed unable to grasp anything as a whole; something would float across it and be lost.

He laughed, enchanted. "What a material young lady it is." On the Boulevard St. Michel there is a Cremerie painted white and blue outside, and neat and clean as a whistle inside.

Gervaise was touched by these tears and found her heart softer toward her husband than it had been for many a long year. "Courage, old friend!" said Lantier, pouring out a glass of wine as he spoke. He walked along slowly, smoking a cigar, and after he had been to Mme Lerat's he stopped in at a cremerie to take a cup of coffee, and there he sat for an hour or more in deep thought.

It was possible to dine there for ten sous, with "two breads," an "ordinaire for thirty centimes," and a "small coffee." Some who were very nice spent a sou more for a napkin. Besides some young men who were destined to become geniuses, the ordinary guests of the crémerie were some poor compatriots of the proprietress, who had all to some extent commanded armies.