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I 'members now dat Elder Covil comed hyar oncet after the lil chile was bawn, to see Miss Dory, an' I seen him write a paper an' give it to her, an' she put it in her bosom. I axed no questions, but I know now 'twas this. The Cunnel tole her not to tell, an' if she said she wouldn't, she wouldn't.

Elder Covil knows send for him. That's just afore she died." "And did you send for him?" the Colonel asked with some alarm, and Jake replied: "I went for him an' he wasn't thar had moved off an' another gemman, the Rev. Mr. Charles Mason, what I foun' at the hotel, 'tended de buryin' with his pra'r book, 'case I wanted somethin' 'bout de Resurrection an' de Life.

Send for Elder Covil 'crost the river. He knows. I've tole you this afore, I reckon, but my mind is so full I git rattled." By this time the bent figure sitting in the rocking-chair, near the coffin began to show signs of life and whimper a little. "'Scuse me," Jake said, pulling a shawl more squarely around her shoulders and straightening her up. "Mas'r Mason, this is ole Miss Lucy.

"To do her justice, she hesitated a moment, but when I kissed her she yielded, and with the touch of her lips there came over me a feeling I mistook for love, and everything was forgotten except the girl. Elder Covil performed the double ceremony, and looked questioningly at me, as if doubtful whether I were in my right mind or not.

Covil should have been more discreet. The authority of a priest in these matters is a thing of delicate adjustment the law for one may not be the law for all. These are not matters to gossip of." "So it seems. I was thinking of your opposite counsel to Mrs. Eversley." "There really, you know I read minds, at times somehow I knew that would be the next thing you'd speak of." "Yes?"