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"Why not send a copper torpedo to destroy their entire planet?" suggested Dunark. "Wouldn't work. Their detecting screens would locate it a thousand million miles off in space, and they would ray it. With a zone of force that would get through their screens, that would be the first thing I'd do. You see, every thought comes back to that zone. We've got to get through it some way."

Many varieties of the Hughes microphone under different names are now employed as transmitters in connection with the Bell telephone. The line wire is usually of copper and its alloys, which are more suitable than iron, especially for long distances.

I was acquainted with a gentleman, who, having several idle vessels suitable for this carrying trade, was of course most anxious to get the contract, to give employment to his ships; and having found out who the other contractors for it were, and all of them happening to be cautious men, not likely to offer for it at a losing price, he resolved to play a bold game, and made his tender for the conveyance of it out in some such words as these: "I offer freight for the tobacco, at one cuarto less than any body else will take it at," and signed his name; a cuarto being the very smallest copper coin current at Manilla.

Earwig had a wash at home, and one of her children had fallen into the hot copper, for which reason she was running so fast to fetch the doctor.

He stood there for some minutes looking at the dead body. As he rode home, his eyes were full of tears, for he knew he was safe. "There is no use your telling me that you are going to be good," cried Lord Henry, dipping his white fingers into a red copper bowl filled with rose-water. "You are quite perfect. Pray, don't change." Dorian Gray shook his head.

It was the shadow-hand of old 'Never Sleep, that did the business and set an innocent man free, and hereafter, when I cuss a copper I'll say a little prayer for this man whose good deeds are all done in the dark, and therefore covered up." "Thank you," said Patsy, "I should never have been able to work it out myself."

Likewise, acting for the whole, it might give and take orders "to dig, mine and search for all manner of mines of gold, silver and copper... to have and enjoy... yielding to us, our heirs and successors, the fifth part only of all the same gold and silver, and the fifteenth part of all the same copper." Now are we ready it being Christmas-tide of the year 1606 to go to Virginia.

We will now follow the career of the old bell. It was, as we have said, carried far away from Marbach and sold as old copper; then sent to Bavaria to be melted down in a furnace. And then what happened?

An expedient, however, though at the eleventh hour, was hit upon. Fastening a long rope to the breaker, which was perfectly tight, we cautiously dropped it overboard; paying out enough line, to insure its towing astern of the ship, so as not to strike against the copper. The other end of the line we then secured to the boat's stern.

As I was already in debt to my tradesmen, the advance was a great convenience, and yet there was something unnatural about the whole transaction which made me wish to know a little more before I quite committed myself. "'May I ask where you live, sir? said I. "'Hampshire. Charming rural place. The Copper Beeches, five miles on the far side of Winchester.