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Updated: January 15, 2025
For Women born to be controll'd Stoop to the forward and the bold; Affect the haughty, and the proud, The gay, the frolick, and the loud. No. 149. Tuesday, August 21, 1711. Steele. 'Cui in manu sit quem esse dementem velit, Quem sapere, quem sanari, quem in morbum injici, Quem contra amari, quem accersiri, quem expeti. Caecil. apud Tull.
Lo her foundations laid with sapphires are; Her goodly windows made of agates fair, Her gates are carbuncles, or pearls; nor one Of all her borders but's a precious stone; None common, nor o' th' baser sort are here, Nor rough, but squar'd and polish'd everywhere; Her beams are cedars, fir her rafters be, Her terraces are of the algum-tree; The thorn or crab-tree here are not of us; Who thinks them here utensils, puts abuse Upon the place, yea, on the builder too; Would they be thus controll'd in what they do?
Such, I say, form'd, or absolutely controll'd the forming of, the entire personnel, the atmosphere, nutriment and chyle, of our municipal, State, and National politics substantially permeating, handling, deciding, and wielding everything legislation, nominations, elections, "public sentiment," &c. while the great masses of the people, farmers, mechanics, and traders, were helpless in their gripe.
Now, my reproacher, I do by all this Show how thou may'st possess thyself of bliss: Thou art worse than a spider, but take hold On Christ the door, thou shalt not be controll'd.
"He ransom'd me from hell with blood, And by his pow'r my foes controll'd; He found me wand'ring far from God, And brought me to his chosen fold." "Fold?" said Ellen, opening her eyes; "what is that?" "It's where sheep are penned, ain't it?" said Mr. Van Brunt, after a pause.
"Women born to be controll'd, Stoop to the forward and the bold." These lines, taken hap-hazard from Colley Cibber's "Careless Husband," contain the very spirit and essence of that old English comedy wherein the hero was nothing more than a handsome rake and the heroine well, not a straitlaced Puritan or a prude.
Of all the wonderful events in his wonderful history, is there one more astonishing than this "That Heaven's high Majesty his court should keep In a clay cottage, by each blast controll'd, That Glory's self should serve our hopes and fears, And free Eternity submit to years?" What a noble triumph was this, over the cruel and unjust prejudices of mankind!
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