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Updated: January 29, 2025
For Women born to be controll'd Stoop to the forward and the bold; Affect the haughty, and the proud, The gay, the frolick, and the loud. No. 149. Tuesday, August 21, 1711. Steele. 'Cui in manu sit quem esse dementem velit, Quem sapere, quem sanari, quem in morbum injici, Quem contra amari, quem accersiri, quem expeti. Caecil. apud Tull.
Whatever busies the mind without corrupting it, has at least this use, that it rescues the day from idleness, and he that is never idle will not often be vicious. No. 178. Pars sanitatis velle sanari fuit. To yield to remedies is half the cure. PYTHAGORAS is reported to have required from those whom he instructed in philosophy a probationary silence of five years.
The following gives a hint as to the treatment followed: "Referant leprosos balneo ejus aquae in qua cadaver ablutum sit, sanari." De Varietate, p. 334. De Vita Propria, ch. xxxvii. p. 121. This dream is also told in De Libris Propriis, Opera, tom. i. p. 64. De Vita Propria, ch. xxxvii. p. 121. JEROME CARDAN is now standing on the brink of authorship.
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