United States or Monaco ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They take it out of the mould, and press it between heated tablets of white porcelain, that is the secret of the surface and consistence, the lightness and satin smoothness of the best paper in the world. Well, here in Europe the work must be done by machinery; machinery must take the place of cheap Chinese labor.

In this period of prosperity, they acquired a degree of strength and consistence which enabled them to struggle through the difficulties that afterwards assailed them. These sober industrious people were peculiarly attentive to the instruction of youth. Education was among the first objects of their care.

Peter's alone, without visible foundation or support, had consistence, form, identity. And between the city and the hills, waves of blue and purple shade, forerunners of the night, stole over the Campagna towards the higher ground. But the hills themselves were still shining, still clad in rose and amethyst, caught in gentler repetition from the wildness of the west.

A bargain has lettering and it has more photographing than any amount of musical instruments. It does sound a drum and a calendar. It does show piercing likeness to it all and it is not leathery, it has no consistence. The gloom is not effaced by resignation, it takes more light than dinner. It has it all. There is no choice.

This paint is prepared by taking a quantity of the most tenacious brown clay, and diffusing it in as much soft water as will bring it to the consistence of a thick cream or paint, passing it through a fine sieve or hair-searce, so as that it may be rendered perfectly smooth, unctuous, and free from gritty particles.

This I had done in the very few words I had spoken to my conductors in the anti-room: they started at the metamorphosis; but they had gone too far for it to be possible they should retract, in consistence with their honour. I now told the justice that I was no Irishman, nor had ever been in that country: I was a native of England.

Genet, to the executive of the United States, conveyed in less explicit terms the same idea; and to prove the correctness of these allegations, he communicated copies of official documents expressing in plain terms the solicitude of France and Spain to exclude the United States from the Mississippi; their jealousies of the growing power and ambition of this country; and the wish of France, expressed while the question was pending, that the constitution might not be adopted, as it "suits France that the United States should remain in their present state, because if they should acquire the consistence of which they are susceptible, they would soon acquire a force or a power which they would be very ready to abuse."

#Clinical Examination of an Ulcer.# In examining any ulcer, we observe Its base or floor, noting the presence or absence of granulations, their disposition, size, colour, vascularity, and whether they are depressed or elevated in relation to the surrounding parts. The discharge as to quantity, consistence, colour, composition, and odour.

Scarcely in consistence with this declaration of the Lord Keeper's proficiency on the violin is a later passage of the biography, where Roger says that his brother "attempted the violin, being ambitious of the prime part in concert, but soon found that he began such a difficult art too late."

When the fracture takes place in the body of the bone, it is transverse or somewhat oblique, but there is scarcely any displacement. A simple bandage will be sufficient for the reduction of these fractures, which may be removed in ten or twelve days, when the preparatory callus has acquired some consistence.