United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

God's ministers in religious affairs, to whom the care of men's instruction and edification is committed, are enabled to inveigh against sin and vice, whoever consequentially may be touched thereby: yea, sometimes it is their duty with severity and sharpness to reprove particular persons, not only privately, but publicly, for their correction, and for the edification of others. Thus St.

The Skipper looked rather hurt. "It isn't more than a thousand years old," he remarked. "Well, that's an awful long time for a ship to last, isn't it?" said Marjorie, pleasantly. "Our family is much older than that," chimed in the Dodo, consequentially. "We date back to "

Denmark and Norway do not appear to furnish any of the materials of a democratic revolution, or the dispositions to it. Denmark can only be consequentially affected by anything done in Prance; but of Sweden I think quite otherwise. The present power in Sweden is too new a system, and too green and too sore from its late Revolution, to be considered as perfectly assured.

He was dressed in a white frieze coat, and had a small hat on his head set rather consequentially on one side. Before him on the table stood a jug of ale, between which and him lay a large crabstick. Three or four other people stood or sat in different parts of the room. Presently the landlord returned with the ale.

"I shall tell Miss Linton so," said Mrs Major, smiling; and she nodded and went away, leaving the young ensign uncomfortable, as he felt a kind of suspicion that he had been speaking very consequentially, and making himself absurd. "I wish I was either a man or a boy," he said to himself pettishly. "I feel just like a man, and yet people will treat me as if I were a boy.

Leather established himself at the 'Eclipse Livery and Bait Stables, in Pegasus Street, or Peg Street, as it is generally called, where he enacted the character of stud-groom to perfection, doing nothing himself, but seeing that others did his work, and strutting consequentially with the corn-sieves at feeding time.

I knew that after I'd only seen it once! That's M." "Yes, of course it is! I can't think where my head is to-day. M, yes of course it's M! Now what can that be used for, eh?" "It's the first letter in the word 'empty, of course!" said Pelle consequentially. "Yes, of course! But you didn't find that out for yourself; the master told you." "No, I found it out by myself." "Did you, now?

But before all these, and all these consequentially on its being a system by which sinful men, else hopeless and condemned, are delivered and set free.

Recollect the observations that you have yourself made upon mankind, compare and connect them with my instructions, and then act systematically and consequentially from them; not 'au jour la journee'. Lay your little plan now, which you will hereafter extend and improve by your own observations, and by the advice of those who can never mean to mislead you; I mean Mr. Harte and myself.

I believe all politicks that are not founded on morality will be found fallacious and destructive, if not immediately, to those who practise them; yet, consequentially, by their general tendency to disturb society, and weaken those obligations which maintain the order of the world.