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And that wife of his not only had to go and yell at him about a little coffee-stain, but she had to announce that she hardly saw how she could get ready to go right away and who was to look after those children? Adna's jaw fell. Perhaps he had ventured on dreams of being set free in New York all by himself. She soon woke him.

But rather than disoblige, I'll take it at whatever you please." "Nay, I don't please about the matter, Lydia; but I am sure you had an excellent bargain of my lavender satin, which I had only worn but twice." "Dear heart! La, ma'am! if you knew what trouble I had with Mrs. Sparkes, the dress-maker, about it, because of the coffee-stain And I vow to my stars I am ashamed to mention it; but Mrs.

But the monkey was really a coffee-stain on the margin of page 496 of Schweigaard's Process, which I had borrowed from my friend Cucumis. Going up to a law examination in slush and semi-darkness in mid-winter is one of the saddest experiences that a man can have. It may, indeed, be even worse in summer; but this I have not tried.

Never in my life had I been less inclined for leaping; and yet I started violently at the first words. 'The monkey! I had almost shouted; for he it was it was evidently the coffee-stain on page 496. The paper bore precisely upon what I had read with so much energy the preceding night. And I began to write.

I am ashamed to say that my interest in this work of art proved stronger than Schweigaard himself. I roused myself a little, and leant forward in order to see better. By turning the leaf, I discovered that the remarkable brown colouring of the face was due to the fact that the whole monkey, after all, was only a coffee-stain.

Then I inspected the supper table and lighted the lamp with the Ruskin-green shade and supplanted Dinky-Dunk's napkin that had a coffee-stain along its edge with a fresh one from the linen-drawer.