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She stepped firmly to the coat-rack, and began to put on her motoring-cloak. And just then Jane Hubbard came downstairs, shepherding before her a pale and glassy-eyed Bream. "Right under the bed," she announced cheerfully, "making a noise like a piece of fluff in order to deceive burglars." Billie cast a scornful look at her fiancé.

Weldon smiled contentedly, as he drew out a frock-coat and inspected its satin-faced lapels. "Not for you, perhaps," he observed quietly. "Oh, I see." Carew puffed vigorously. "So you have a bidding to call upon Miss Dent." Weldon dislodged Carew's feet from the extra chair and utilized the chairback as a temporary coat-rack. "No; quite the contrary," he replied.

It occurred to her, as it has occurred to so many women before her, how helpless men are in a crisis. The temporary withdrawal of Jane Hubbard had had the effect which the removal of a rudder has on a boat. "It's the only thing to do. I shall be back in no time." She stepped firmly to the coat-rack, and began to put on her motoring-cloak.

I had my head in a rack of coats, and a henny customer waiting. But I sensed something stirring, and I stuck my head out of the coat-rack in which I was fumbling. The department was aflutter like a poultry-yard.

He was just in the act of pouring this most delectable sauce over the two bits of tender fowl upon our hot plates, when, happening to look up, I saw some one entering the door. "Jean, if you please," said I, deliberately pulling the coat-rack in front of our table, "Mademoiselle perhaps feels a slight draft. Would you fetch a screen?" He turned.

No young man likes to be discovered hidden behind a coat-rack, however honest his original intentions! His heart beat to suffocation as he peeped between the coats.... Grogoff was already wearing his own overcoat. It was, thank God, too warm an evening for a Shuba.

"Girls are not supposed to keep secrets," she said obstinately. Her narrator was not to be balked. He pointed to the coat-rack on the wall in front of them both. "There is Henry de Spain's coat. He hung it there just before he went down to the inn. Under it, if you look, you'll find his belt of cartridges. Don't take my word look for yourself."