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As he advanced, there were various other signs that gave great animation to the crews; many birds were seen flying from the west; there was a cloudiness in the north, such as often hangs over land; and at sunset the imagination of the seamen, aided by their desires, would shape those clouds into distant islands.

It is known that delicate plants in dark places struggle up towards the light in a frail slenderness, and it is said that in England, which seems to have increasing cloudiness, and in the capital more and more months of deeper darkness and blackness, it is natural that the British girl should grow towards the light.

Had it been, it would have been more likely to jeopardize forever than to precipitate the good fortune which, though still invisible, was close at hand. It was not until December 4, 1777, that there broke a great and sudden rift in the solid cloudiness. First there came a vague rumor of good news, no one at all knew what; then a post-chaise drove into Dr.

"All this heaviness and cloudiness foretells a storm and I think we'll sleep under a roof tonight. What say you, Sol?" "I shorely will, Henry. Them that wants to lay on the ground, an' take a wettin' kin take it, but, ez fur me, a floor, a roof an' four walls is jest what I want." "Everybody will agree with you on that," said Paul. No one spoke again for a long time.

Humidity: Relative per cent 78 Absolute grains per cubic foot 8.75 Wind movements in miles: Daily mean 134 Greatest daily 204 Least daily 95 Prevailing wind direction N.E., November to April; SW., May to October. Cloudiness, annual per cent 53 Days with rain 135 Rainfall in inches: Mean annual 75.43 Greatest monthly 120.98 Least monthly 55.65

There was a half-moon in the sky, which was pitilessly clear, for cloudiness might have made it warmer; when the firelight sank he could see the slender spruce trunks cutting against the silvery radiance and the hard glitter of the snow. Everything was tinted with blue and white, and the deathly cold colouring depressed him. Then he began to consider their position, which was serious.

They were quickly helmed and sent below, and presently an increased cloudiness in the water told him that they were actively at work. A lot of dhows were showing here and there amongst the reefs, obviously watching them, and Tazzuchi was beginning to get nervous. "We're in for trouble, I'm afraid," he said to Kettle.

"Yes, he said that, and I might have agreed, but I don't remember telling you." "Well, you did. And then I told you Hardman had forced my sweetheart, Lucy, to marry him." "What? He did that?" "Reckon he did. I got there too late. But I drove him off to get a gun. Then he hid there with you." "So that was why?" she pondered, as if trying to penetrate the cloudiness of her mind.

Nor did she herself, although to Ellinor she so affected, ascribe this cloudiness and caprice of mood merely to the result of a solitary and meditative life; she attributed them to the influence of an early grief, perhaps linked with the affections, and did not doubt but that one day or another she should learn its secret.

It is Wisdom, Wisdom's self which gleameth through me; severing my cloudiness which yet again mantles over me, fainting from it, through the darkness which for my punishment gathers upon me. For my strength is brought down in need, so that I cannot support my blessings, till Thou, Lord, Who hast been gracious to all mine iniquities, shalt heal all my infirmities.