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After reason had been restored, the doctor, in his earnest desire to help, warned him that he must live differently and, knowing the father's ending, thought to frighten him into a change of habits by stating that his drinking would kill him in a few years if he kept it up. "You are already in the first stages of cirrhosis," he told him.

This contraction of the septa in time gives the whole organ an irregularly puckered appearance, called from this fact a hob-nail liver or, popularly, gin liver. The yellowish discoloration, usually from retained or perverted bile, gives the disease the medical name of cirrhosis.

As a beverage, when constantly used, it is liable to cause obesity, gastric indigestion, arteriosclerosis, myocardial degeneration, chronic nephritis and cirrhosis of the liver. Its first action is undoubtedly as a food, if not too large amounts are taken, and therefore it is a protector of other food, especially of fat and starch.

"I don't mean all of your friends only a small proportion which, however, connects your circle with that deadly, idle, brainless bunch the insolent chatterers at the opera, the gorged dowagers, the worn-out, passionless men, the enervated matrons of the summer capital, the chlorotic squatters on huge yachts, the speed-mad fugitives from the furies of ennui, the neurotic victims of mental cirrhosis, the jewelled animals whose moral code is the code of the barnyard !"

"Alcohol in any appreciable quantity diminishes the solvent power of the gastric fluid so as to interfere with the process of digestion instead of aiding it." Professor W. B. Carpenter, the eminent English physiologist. "Cirrhosis of the liver is notoriously frequent among drunkards, and is in fact almost, though not absolutely, confined to them."

Philip's glance unconsciously went to the absinthe, and Cronshaw, seeing it, gave him the quizzical look with which he reproved the admonitions of common sense. "You have diagnosed my case, and you think it's very wrong of me to drink absinthe." "You've evidently got cirrhosis of the liver," said Philip. "Evidently."

Dipsomaniacs suffer from indigestion, vomiting and purging, jaundice, albuminuria, diabetes, cirrhosis of liver, degeneration of kidneys, congestion of brain, peripheral neuritis, alcoholic insanity, and various forms of paralysis. In the acute form delirium tremens is the most common manifestation. Post-Mortem Appearances. Deep red colour of lining membranes of stomach.

That alcoholism is the commonest cause of cirrhosis is well known, but in Beethoven's case some other cause for the disease must be found.

The hepatic and cystic ducts were pervious and the hepatic duct obliterated. There were signs of hepatic cirrhosis and in addition an inguinal hernia. The Gall-Bladder. Harle mentions the case of a man of fifty, in whom he could find no gall-bladder; Patterson has seen a similar instance in a men of twenty-five. Purser describes a double gall-bladder.

Animals upon whom double adrenalectomy has been performed show a striking fall in temperature, muscular weakness, after adrenalectomy the animal may not be able to stand even, and progressive chromatolysis. The Liver. When the function of the liver is impaired by tumors, cirrhosis, or degeneration of the liver itself, then the entire energy of the body is correspondingly diminished.