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Where chrysanthemum and yashmak turban and tarboosh, uraeus and Indian plume had mingled gaily, no soul remained; but yet he was in error ... someone did remain.

These actions would be incompatible, in the first place, with the almost hysterical sense of patriotism of the Japanese; in the second, with their absolute silence and secrecy, and, in the third place, with the behavior of our English cousin since his marriage to Madame Chrysanthemum " "The document was therefore not genuine?" asked the colonel. "Think it over.

He hints that it was a present; but, as one who knows him well, I may say that he is the last person a lady would be likely to give a chrysanthemum to. Besides, if he was so proud of the plant he should have stayed at home and watered it himself. He says that I never meant to water it, which is not only a mistake, but unkind.

Harper opened the casement, and placed an arm-chair beside it, where Agatha might look out on the chrysanthemum bed, and the tall evergreen, where a robin sat singing. He pointed out both to her, as if wishing to fortify her with a sense of life and cheerfulness, and then sat down to the gloomy task of looking over his father's papers.

In the delightful dreaminess that creeps over one as he stands thus before some old daimyo's former abode in the heart of Japan, he forgets all his metaphysical difficulties about Nirvana, for he fancies he has found it, one long Lotus afternoon. And then last, but in some sort first, since it has been taken for the imperial insignia, comes the chrysanthemum.

These visits to studios are very exciting to ladies who have read about studios in novels, and believe that they will find everywhere tawny tiger-skins, Venetian girls, chrysanthemum and hawthorn patterned porcelain, suits of armour, old plate, swords, and guns, and bows, and all the other "properties" of the painter of romance.

There is nothing shamefaced or retiring about it, and it already takes all provinces for its own. One would be only half-married civilly, and not fashionably without a chrysanthemum wedding; and it lights the way to the tomb.

A hybrid-bean between Phaseolus nanus and P. multiflorus, and some hybrids between the yellow daisy, Chrysanthemum segetum and the allied Chrysanthemum coronarium or ox-eye daisy which also arose spontaneously in my garden between parents cultivated at recorded distances, might further be noted. Further details of these experiments need not be given.

Meguro is one of the many places round Yedo to which the good citizens flock for purposes convivial or religious, or both; hence it is that, cheek by jowl with the old shrines and temples, you will find many a pretty tea-house, standing at the rival doors of which Mesdemoiselles Sugar, Wave of the Sea, Flower, Seashore, and Chrysanthemum are pressing in their invitations to you to enter and rest.

She plucked a great white chrysanthemum bloom from a bunch she was carrying, flicked it laughingly in his face, and stuck it in his buttonhole. "What a good thing it would be for Emmy," said Mrs. Oldrieve, with a sigh. "To marry Septimus? Oh, mother!" She laughed merrily; then all at once she became serious. "Why not?" she cried, and kissed her mother. Mrs. Oldrieve settled her cap.