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A young man in the fever of ante-nuptial expectancy was a mere pawn in the business game: let it be over and done with, so that the nominal treasurer of Chiawassee Limited could once more become the treasurer in fact.

"I don't mind telling you now that he made his first overtures to us on his arrival from Europe, giving us to understand that he owned or controlled the pipe-making patents absolutely." "At that time he controlled nothing, as I have explained," said Tom, "not even his majority stock in Chiawassee Consolidated.

Then he went straight to the point. "As I have said, I'm here to do business. We don't need the plant. Will you sell us your patents?" "Yes; on one condition." "And that is ?" "That you first put us out of business. You'll have to smash Chiawassee Limited painstakingly and permanently before you can buy my holdings."

The days were full, each of the things of itself, and if Tom looked forward to the workaday future, as he did by times, the boyish impatience to be at it was gone. Chiawassee Consolidated was moderately prosperous; the home letters were mere chronicles of sleepy Paradise. The skies were clear, and the present was acutely present.

Winning back to the technical school, he plunged once more into the examination whirlpool, doing his best to forget Chiawassee Consolidated and its mortal sickness for the time being, and succeeding so well that he passed with colors flying. But the school task done, he turned down the old leaf, pasting it firmly in place.

Iron, more sensitive than the stock-market, was the barometer, and its readings in the Southern field were growing portentous. Within the month several of the smaller furnaces had gone out of blast, and Chiawassee Consolidated, though still presenting a fair exterior, was, Caleb feared, rotten at heart. What would Tom advise?

It was during the fervid six months of Chiawassee Coal and Iron development that Thomas Jefferson had passed from the old life to the new from childhood to boyhood.

You must turn over the control of Chiawassee Consolidated, legally and formally, to my father before you go aboard the Baltic, or you don't go aboard!" "Let me understand," said the treasurer, cutting in. "Are you accusing us of crime?" "You will find out what the accusation is, later on," said Tom, taking yet another cartridge from the long-range box.

Something to Tom's surprise, Major Dabney was present; and a little later he learned, with a shock of resentment, that the Major was also a minority stock-holder in the moribund Chiawassee Consolidated. The master of Deer Trace was as gracious to Caleb Gordon's son as only a Dabney knew how to be.

Duxbury Farley, returning to find Chiawassee Consolidated in some sense at the mercy of the new pipe plant, regarded himself as a benefactor whose confidence had been grossly abused, is only to take him at his word.