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There are other things to be considered besides cheapness, though unfortunately, with things as they are we seem compelled to consider cheapness first." They lay for some time without speaking. "You think land and stock and machinery should be nationalised, then?" asked Ned, turning things over in his mind.

"We ordered our furniture to be made of cherry, and quite enjoy the cheapness of our outfit as well as our manner of life; for the less we spend, the less the Anti-Slavery Society will have to pay my Theodore for his labors as editor of all the extra publications of the Society." Thus some high or unselfish motive inspired all their conduct and influenced every arrangement.

When near the surface, this simple method of getting the water out of a mine has great advantages on account of its cheapness, and is now extensively employed in Mexican mines.

Extreme cheapness and excessive dearness there is Paris for you; there is honeycomb here for every bee, every nature finds its own nourishment. So, though life is hard for me just now, I repent of nothing. On the contrary, a fair future spreads out before me, and my heart rejoices though it is saddened for the moment. Good-bye my dear sister.

And in order that that fair share may be retained, it is absolutely necessary that we should be able to produce commodities which we can exchange with food-growing people, and which they will take, rather than those of our rivals, on the ground of their greater cheapness or of their greater excellence. That is the whole story.

The cheapness of wild lands had attracted outside capital, resulting in a syndicate being formed by Northern capitalists to buy up the outstanding issue of land scrip. The movement had been handled cautiously, and had possibly been in active operation for a year or more, as its methods were conducted with the utmost secrecy.

The money appropriated for the use of the Ordnance Department has been regularly and economically applied. The fabrication of arms at the national armories and by contract with the Department has been gradually improving in quality and cheapness. It is believed that their quality is now such as to admit of but little improvement.

"Can you tell me where the cheaper boarding-houses are?" he asked the woman who had done the honors of the last house. "If it's cheapness you want, you'd better go to Bleecker Street," said the woman with a certain contemptuousness. Peter thanked her, and, walking away, accosted the first policeman. "It's Blaker Strate, is it? Take the Sixth Avenue cars, there beyant," he was informed.

This occurrence put me on my guard, and made me very wary of buying articles at such auctions during my stay in New York, although the apparent beauty and cheapness of many of the articles I saw offered, especially of French manufacture, were sufficient to decoy the most wary, and I did not wonder at people being victimized at such places.

The visitor certainly was not Cape bred. Her smart cheapness did not attract Sheila at all. There was something so unwholesome about her that the observer had difficulty in suppressing a shudder. Yet her prettiness was orchidlike. But there are poisonous orchids. "They are quite old people," Sheila said, finally answering the question.