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He wanted her to show them to M. Chapelain, a practitioner of medical magnetism, in order to consult him regarding a malady which he suspected that he had, and ask him where it was located and what treatment he should follow.

You will only succeed in making an enemy whose hostility will weigh upon your whole life." "What does it matter?" M. Chapelain shrugged his shoulders. "If you were alone," he went on, "I would say as you do, 'What does it matter? But you are no longer alone: you have your mother and sister to take care of. You must think of food before thinking of vengeance. How much a month do you earn?

Balzac was a believer in occult sciences, and once before, during the epidemic of cholera in 1832, he wrote to M. Chapelain, asking if he could not discover the origin of the scourge and find remedies capable of stopping it.

When, in 1832, a terrible epidemic of cholera was spreading its ravages, he wrote to Doctor Chapelain, suggesting that somnambulism he would have called it hypnotism to-day should be employed to seek out the causes of the malady, and a test applied to prove whether its virtues were real or chimerical. In 1834, he had come to pin his faith to the healing powers of magnetism.

The poet Chapelain was appointed a sort of general editor of the projected Dictionary, which was solemnly started early in 1638. For the next four years the Academicians were very active, spurred on by Richelieu, but when, in 1642, the Cardinal died, their zeal relented, and when, in 1650, Vaugelas's presence ceased to urge them forward, it flagged altogether.

The old lawyer, M. Chapelain, held him by the arm; but he struggled hard, and was about to burst into the parlor, when the door opened, and the director of the Mutual Credit stepped out. With a coolness quite remarkable after such a scene, he advanced towards Mlle. Gilberte, and, in a tone of offensive protection,

The king had so completely forgotten his suspicions that when, as he took his boy in his arms, Jacob gave him a note from Chapelain, he opened it with the certainty of finding in his physician's report that nothing had been discovered in the laboratory but what related exclusively to alchemy. "Will he live a happy man?" asked the king, presenting his son to the two alchemists.

"And this gentleman?" inquired M. Chapelain. "Is a marquis, if you please, the Marquis de Tregars." Well, yes, it was this very name that Mlle. Gilberte was expecting, and well that she did; for she was thus able to command enough control over herself to check the cry that rose to her throat. "But this marriage is not made yet," pursued M. Favoral.

In Chapelain, for all his foes have said, She finds but one defect, he can't be read; Yet thinks the world might taste his maiden's woes, If only he would turn his verse to prose! The verse had been prose, and prose, perhaps, it should have remained. Yet for this precious 'Pucelle, in the age when 'Paradise Lost' was sold for five pounds, you are believed to have received about four thousand.

"M. Favoral is no longer here," replied M. Chapelain, the old lawyer. The commissary of police started.