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Nigel looked back at them ere he entered the dark Chantry woods, and saw them still gazing after him and waving their hands.

Our connecting link, that dear sister, knew how sorely she would be missed, and she told Clarence that she felt fully competent to undertake, conjointly with us, all that would be incumbent on Chantry House, if he really wanted to be absent.

At the east end of this aisle was the chantry founded by the Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond, whose father and mother lie in the tomb already described beneath the nearest arch on the north side of this aisle. The altar of this chantry, as well as all the other altars in the church, numbering ten in all, have been swept away, no doubt at the time of the Reformation.

"I mean the murder of Ferguson by the girl he loved." "You said 'suicide' a little while ago," panted Chantry. "Technically, yes. She was a hundred miles away when it happened. But she did it just the same. Oh, I suppose I've got to tell you, as Ferguson told me." "Did he tell you he was going to kill himself?" Chantry's voice was sharp. "He did not. Ferguson wasn't a fool.

The winch and portcullis are still in existence in Monk Bar, and in working order. The Leschman Chantry Chapel in Hexham Abbey is a typical example in excellent preservation. A small erection of stone and wood, it stands between two of the piers of the north Choir arcade.

I looked mutely at her. "What offended you?" "Nothing, madame." "Did you want Doctor Chantry to lame himself hobbling around in search of you, and the count to send people out in every direction?" "No, madame." "What explanation will you make to the count?" "None, madame." I raised my head. "I may go out in the woods without asking leave of Count de Chaumont."

On the west of the royal chapel a screen depicts the legends of the Confessor's life; on the east is the mutilated tomb of Henry V., the victor of Agincourt; above it the Chantry Chapel, where, after centuries of neglect, rest the remains of his wife, the French Catherine, ancestress of the great Tudor line.

The richly panelled and vaulted chapel of Bishop Stanbury, approached from the north aisle of the presbytery, was added between 1453 and 1474. In 1492 Edmund Audley, the Bishop of Rochester, was translated to Hereford, and during his episcopate founded the two-storied chantry chapel south of the Lady Chapel and near the shrine of St. Thomas of Cantilupe.

Chantry had sown so many crops of intellectual wild oats that even the people who came for subscriptions might be forgiven for thinking him a mental libertine, good for subscriptions and not much else. Between them, they boxed the compass about once a week. Havelock had more of what is known as "personality" than Chantry; Chantry more of what is known as "culture."

I have only to add that the picture has been purchased out of the Chantry Bequest Fund, and the purchase is considered to be equivalent to a formal declaration that Mr. Hacker will be elected an Associate of the Royal Academy at the next election. Mr. Hacker's election to the Academy I speak of this election as a foregone conclusion following as it does the election of Mr.