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The next day he went to a book-keeper whom Madame de la Chanterie recommended, and arranged with him the hours at which they should work together. His whole time was now employed.

The next day was Sunday; Madame de la Chanterie requested him to give her his arm to high mass. "It is," she said, "the only coercion I shall put upon you. Several times during the past week I have wished to speak to you of religion, but it did not seem to me that the time had come. You would find plenty of occupation if you shared our beliefs, for then you would share our labors as well."

"Madame," said Godefroid, rising, "I shall have the honor of calling again to-morrow." Though he was a young man, the four old men and Madame de la Chanterie rose, and the vicar accompanied him to the portico. A whistle sounded.

The allusions made to a period of trial seemed to imply an initiation, which he was now desirous of receiving. His curiosity had not been satisfied by what the venerable old man had already told him as to the causes which led to the work of Madame de la Chanterie; he wanted to know more.

The cause of this change and of the sternness in Godefroid's face was an event which had just taken place in the rue Chanoinesse. When the initiate arrived there he found Madame de la Chanterie and her friends assembled in the salon awaiting dinner; and he instantly took Monsieur Joseph apart to give him the four volumes on "The Spirit of Modern Laws."

Nevertheless, after breakfast, he did take Madame de la Chanterie apart and told her that he should be absent for some days. "That is good, my child," replied Madame de la Chanterie; "try to do honor to your godfather, who has answered for you to his brothers."

When Godefroid stopped before the arched portal of Madame de la Chanterie's house, the priest turned towards him and examined him by the light of the hanging street-lamp, probably one of the last to disappear from the heart of old Paris. "Have you come to see Madame de la Chanterie, monsieur?" said the priest. "Yes," replied Godefroid.

"You have seen her," said Monsieur Alain, pausing in his narrative, "and you know that no one can be gentler than Madame de la Chanterie; and also, I may tell you, that no one is more confiding.

Summary on behalf of Madame Henriette Bryond des Tours-Minieres, nee Lechantre de la Chanterie. "No longer any doubt!" murmured Godefroid. We are condemned and guilty; but if ever the Sovereign had reason to exercise his right of clemency it is surely in a case like this. Here is a young woman, about to become a mother, and condemned to death.

"That gentleman," said Madame de la Chanterie, motioning to the tall, thin man, "is Monsieur Nicolas; he is a colonel of gendarmerie, retired with the rank of brigadier-general. And this," she added, looking towards the stout little man, "is a former councillor of the royal courts of Paris, who retired from the magistracy in 1830. His name is Monsieur Joseph.