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Never was there a more moving interview: Schahzaman gently complained of Camaralzaman's unkindness in so cruelly leaving him; and Camaralzaman discovered a heart-felt sorrow for the fault he had committed. The three kings and queen Margiana staid three days at the court of the king of the magicians, who treated them magnificently.

When, after a rapid passage, he gained sight of the Island of Idolaters, he judged it better not to enter the harbour, but casting anchor at some distance he embarked at night in a small boat with six active sailors and landed near Camaralzaman's cottage.

Then he told the king how he did it, who was agreeably surprised at the news; and going presently to the princess's chamber, embraced her; after which he took Camaralzaman's hand, and joined it to the princess's.

This advice pleased Maimoune and Danhasch, and the fairy at once transformed herself into the shape of a gnat and settling on Camaralzaman's throat stung him so sharply that he awoke. As he did so his eyes fell on the Princess of China. Surprised at finding a lady so near him, he raised himself on one arm to look at her.

Camaralzaman was proclaimed king, and married the same day with all possible demonstrations of joy; he being very well pleased with the princess Haiatalnefous's beauty and love for him. The two queens lived together afterwards as friendly as they had done before, both being contented with king Camaralzaman's equal carriage towards them; and they were alternately taken to his bed.

So, as quietly as we can, we hustle on our embroidered robes and hie us on Prince Camaralzaman's horse or in the reindeer sleigh into the white country where the seven colors converge. This is when our fancy can overcome the bane of it.

The two queens had not discovered the secret of their passion, nor had either the boldness to mention the prince she loved, by word of mouth, or the guilty flame with which she burnt; they at last resolved to do it by billet, and made use of king Camaralzaman's absence to execute their wicked design, when he was gone a hunting, which would take him up three or four days.

The princess Badoura, having discovered herself entirely to the princess of the isle of Ebene, again prayed her to keep the secret, and to accept her as a husband till prince Camaralzaman's arrival, which she hoped would be in a little time.

In this tower was a well, which served for a retreat to a certain fairy named Maimoune, daughter of Damriel, king or head of a legion of genii. It was about midnight when this Maimoune came forth silently, to wander about the world after her wonted custom. She was surprised to see a light in prince Camaralzaman's chamber.

Prince Amgrad presided at the council-table the day of king Camaralzaman's departure, and heard causes till three or four o'clock in the afternoon. When he returned to the palace from the council-chamber, an eunuch took him aside, and gave him a billet from queen Haiatalnefous, Amgrad took it but read with horror.