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The Washington correspondents to the London papers say that Burleson, the Attorney-General, and Daniels are Bryan men and are holding the President back. The prophecy contained in this letter was quickly fulfilled. A week or two after Colonel House had received it, the Arabic was sunk with loss of American life. It was telegraphed from the Embassy. "That settles it," he said to his son.

Burleson would stop and sit down and have a long serious think about what fifty thousand Post Offices think. There have been days with my half-past two letters when if I had Roger Babson's gift for being graphic I would have charted Mr. I have wanted, before dropping the causes of people's being fooled about themselves, to dwell for a moment on lost-mindedness, or losing the end in the means.

To avoid evaporated thinking or generalizing I am illustrating my idea once more from Mr. Burleson as the great common experience of all of us which we daily have together, Mr. Burleson makes us see so many things together. I wish something could be done to get our Postmaster General to sit down seriously with a two-cent stamp and look at it and study it. It does not seem to me that Mr.

So one's letters wait over a day a night and a day, or until one gets back from Chicago. Why is it Mr. Burleson takes millions of dollars' worth a day out of the convenience, out of the profit and out of the efficiency of business in America and then with a huge national swoop of compliment to himself points out to people how he has saved them fifty cents? Why is it that Mr.

But the most romantic traveler to arrive or pass during the winter was Captain Burleson, late of the Confederacy. As a sportsman the captain was a gem of the first water, carrying with him, besides a herd of nearly a thousand cattle, three race-horses, several baskets of fighting chickens, and a pack of hounds.

Charges, many of them unfounded, had been made to the Postmaster General's office against the Reed candidate and, although Reed had made many appeals to Postmaster General Burleson to send the appointment of his friend to the President for his approval, Burleson refused to do so, and Reed thereupon brought his case to the President.

But the point is that if I go into a store in Northampton and cannot get the things I want there I go into some other store. I cannot go out from our Post Office in Northampton and go over and get what I want at some other Post Office a little further down the street. When I and people in fifty-three thousand Post Offices, say Aouch! Mr. Burleson says Pooh!