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As to noses, I say nothing of them, though we had every variety: some snubbed and turned up, with distended nostrils, like a dormer window on the roof of a house; others convex and twisted like a buck-handled knife; and others magnificently eforescent, like a full-blown cauliflower.

We keep changing our servants all the time, and they break and destroy so that now we are turned out of the use of all our things. We not only eat in the basement, but all our pretty table-things are put away, and we have all the cracked plates and cracked tumblers and cracked teacups and old buck-handled knives that can be raised out of chaos.

Could it be possible that their visit to The Hermitage had already been discovered? Noaks watched their faces for a moment, evidently well pleased with the effect which his remark had produced; then he burst out laughing. "Look here," he continued, producing from his pocket a buck-handled clasp-knife: "I wonder if that's anything like it; I see the big blade's broken."

The former began in a little place of pine tables and rough wooden chairs on William Street, between Fulton and Ann. The original equipment consisted of a broad counter covered with white napkins, two-tine forks, buck-handled knives, and earthenware plates and cups. From such humble beginnings grew the establishments that have subsequently carried the name.

Springwheat, in the hearty way these hospitable fellows welcome everybody. 'Yes, I will, replied Sponge, turning to the sideboard as though it were an inn. That's a monstrous fine ham, observed he; 'why doesn't somebody cut it? 'Let me help you to some, sir, replied Mr. Springwheat, seizing the buck-handled knife and fork, and diving deep into the rich red meat with the knife. Mr.

As to noses, I say nothing of them, though we had every variety: some snubbed and turned up, with distended nostrils, like a dormer window on the roof of a house; others convex and twisted like a buck-handled knife; and others magnificently efflorescent, like a full-blown cauliflower.