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After dinner sign of a great occasion a carriage came from Braintree's Livery Stable, and Uncle Tom held the horses while the driver carried out the trunk and strapped it on. Catherine, Mary Ann, and Bridget, all weeping, were kissed good-by, and off they went through the dusk to the station.

After dinner sign of a great occasion a carriage came from Braintree's Livery Stable, and Uncle Tom held the horses while the driver carried out the trunk and strapped it on. Catherine, Mary Ann, and Bridget, all weeping, were kissed good-by, and off they went through the dusk to the station.

For Uncle Tom on a summer's day to hire a surrey at Braintree's Livery Stable and drive thither was like to what shall that bliss be compared in these days when we go to Europe with indifference? And now Lindell Road the Via Claudia of long, ago had become Lindell Boulevard, with granitoid sidewalks.

But it was long before they could haul his half-senseless form from the water; and by the time this was accomplished, Bowler himself was so exhausted that he in turn needed all Braintree's aid to land himself. At last, however, all three were on the ledge. But what were they to do next? Tubbs lay still half-stupefied, utterly unable to help himself.

"That Mayrant chap will do," he declared; and we composed ourselves for a proper entrance into the sitting room, where the introductions had been made, and where Doctor Beaugarcon and Mrs. Braintree's husband had already fallen into war reminiscences, and were discovering with mutual amiability that they had fought against each other in a number of battles.

Michael send out the hot coffee to the conductor, and I had found a negro carpenter whose week it happily was to stay sober; and now I learned that, when tea should be finished, the poetess had in store for us, as a treat, her ode. Our evening meal was not plain sailing, even for the veteran navigation of Mrs. Braintree's husband and never as Mr.

Michael desires to call upon you," he said, "and I fancy that her nephew will escort her." "In all this rain?" said the bride. "Oh, it's letting up, letting up! Good night, Mistress Trevise. Good night, sir; I am glad to have met you." He shook hands with Mrs. Braintree's husband. "We fellows," he whispered, "who fought in the war have had war enough."

I am sure that the poetess, wrapped in the thoughts of her own composition, had lost sight of all but the phrasing of her poem and the strong feelings which it not unmusically voiced; there Is no other way to account for her being willing to read it in Mrs. Braintree's presence. Whatever gayety had filled me when the Boston lady had clashed with Juno was now changed to deprecation and concern.

For Uncle Tom on a summer's day to hire a surrey at Braintree's Livery Stable and drive thither was like to what shall that bliss be compared in these days when we go to Europe with indifference? And now Lindell Road the Via Claudia of long, ago had become Lindell Boulevard, with granitoid sidewalks.

After dinner sign of a great occasion a carriage came from Braintree's Livery Stable, and Uncle Tom held the horses while the driver carried out the trunk and strapped it on. Catherine, Mary Ann, and Bridget, all weeping, were kissed good-by, and off they went through the dusk to the station.