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And marching beside the humorist, with a slouch-cap low over his eyes, was the lad who was known as 'Boy-blue. As this tale of the parts men play unfolds itself a passing thought comes. From the standpoint of fairness, economics, and efficiency, conscription should have been Britain's first move.

He almost stumbled as he went towards her, and caught her arms in his hands. 'I didn't want you to go, she said breathlessly, 'without saying thanks. If Boy-blue had really been shot as they said, I I' She did not finish the sentence, but clasping his hand, pressed it twice to her burning lips. 'Elise, he cried brokenly but she had freed herself and was making for the door.

She could hear it, distant and faint, growing nearer, as if he were coming towards her through a forest. There was in it a despair she had never heard before. He was in danger where or how she could not fathom but over the surging music of the orchestra she could hear the voice of Boy-blue crying through the infinity of space.

Selwyn, when I was a child playing about with my little brother "Boy-blue" that was a pet name I had for him I was just as happy to be a girl as he was to be a boy. I think that is true of all children. But ask any woman which she would rather be, a man or a woman, and unless she is trying to make you fall in love with her she will say the former. That is not as it should be, but it's true.

Boy-blue! The breathy intensity of her voice seemed to rouse some latent manhood in her brother. He stiffened his shoulders and threw off his two supporting friends a manoeuvre which enabled Monsieur Beauchamp to present his trifling bill to the more sober of the two. 'Why aren't you at Cambridge? 'Advice of conshul, he muttered.

'I hardly think so, said the American, kneeling down and stirring the coals with the poker. 'If you do, please don't tell her I've come back. She thinks I'm in the Orient somewhere, and if she knew I was joining up she would worry. I suppose I shall always be "Boy-blue" to her, and never anything older. Selwyn replaced the poker and sat down on a cushion that was on the floor.